Coronavirus and Lunacy Converge

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A lighthearted look at the various rules rolled out across the country

Have you noticed there is an ever changing wave of absurd and inconsistent rules being rolled out in reaction to the Coronavirus? The rules vary from state to state but the lunacy appears to remain the same. It is almost comical at times. Like something Jeff Foxworthy might say.

You might be a politician if you tell residents they CAN'T get a manicure but you ALLOW them to get one for their pet.

You might be a politician if you tell residents salons and barbershops must close but you ALLOW the State Store to continue selling booze.

You might be a politician if you tell residents daycare operations (full of drooling babies) can have up to 12 people per room but adults CAN only meet in groups of 10 or less.

You might be a politician if you tell residents they CAN'T go to church but you ALLOW residents to shop in Walmart with up to 50% occupancy. (typically 500-900 people)

You might be a politician if you tell residents they CAN'T sit in a restaurant to eat (even if they maintain a safe 6 ft distance) but you ALLOW them to get curbside pickup prepared and delivered by the same people they would come into contact with inside.

You might be a politician if you tell residents they CAN'T sit in a restaurant to eat but you ALLOW them to visit the grocery store and touch fruits, vegetables and can goods that have been touched by hundreds.

You might be a politician if you tell residents small retail shops CAN'T open but you ALLOW big box stores selling the exact same thing to remain open.

You might be a politician if you tell residents you are ONLY testing people who are experiencing symptoms or have come into direct contact with someone known to have the virus. Then say we NEED more testing before we can relax the stay at home order.

You might be a politician if you tell residents it is AGAINST state law to wear a mask in public but then introduce orders that say you MUST wear a mask in public.

You might be a politician if you tell residents we must release inmates so they don't contract Covid19 but it is SAFE to send children back to school.

You might be a politician if you tell residents they CAN'T get a haircut (because the stylist has to touch the customer) but ALLOW them to get a haircut for your pet (who also comes into direct contact with the groomer and subsequently the pet owner.)

You might be a politician if you say we are all in this together but then deny small business owners the opportunity to get back to work. (Even if they don't have enough money to carry health insurance, buy medicine or food to care for your families).

Makes you go hummmm. Only in government............

Or to quote another comedian "Here's your sign"...... 
