Keeping Busy During COVID!

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Searching for Truth. Time to bring idea to reality - driverless Powerwheels!


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing each day.   The pandemic is suspicious at best; many questions unanswered at least truthfully.  Its origin, highly probable, is China but was it weaponized? Did it leak out accidentally, maybe before it was totally weaponized or was this a trial run?   Is it truly worse than a bad flu season?  Have the case numbers and deaths been falsified or exaggerated?

One obvious observation is that the Left's true nature, their agenda  is now visibly on display!

Anyone even partially awake can observe and remove themselves from the "useful idiot" group.

  If the actions of Left leaning elected officials has not caused the general public of the United States to wake up to the evil reality it will be to late.   November 2020 will soon tell.


COVID-19 has impacted me.   The largest impact on me is observing the evil that reared its ugly head is disturbing, pockets of chaos / anarchy and the willingness of citizens to take part.  


This COVID-19 has taken more of my freedoms away,  under the guise of health and safety.   It is very difficult to do anything and go anywhere whenever I want.  I have enough to keep me busy but knowing that I do not have a choice is very troubling.   Am I actually experiencing a taste of others living in Marxist, socialist, Muslim or tightly controlled governments?  How much worse will it get?  Does the average US Citizen really like there current experience?


What keeps me busy during this Covid season?  Visiting doctors after May 2020 for non-Covid reasons, short trips to nearby foothills and mountains, limited visits with grandchildren and great grandchildren, God's Word and Christian podcasts, digitizing slides and pictures and STEM projects.


For about two years I had this idea of repurposing a broken 12 volt Fischer Price Powerwheel so that it can be programmed to travel around a dirt road block.   What better time to make that happen than under the "spell" of COVID-19? 


After completing a major milestone for a semi-autonomous Fischer Price Powerwheels, I was reminded of the similarity between this project and the Christian Faith. 


I realize how important it is to delve deep into God's Word and avoid as many mistakes and side paths from the "straight and narrow".

I purchased about 50 Grove STEM sensors with the idea of putting them to use with a Raspberry Pi or Arduino.  They remained in a plastic organization case waiting to be discovered.  In the past I had several Bibles that were opened periodically. I opened my case of sensors periodically as well but did not actually connect them to a device.   Life gets in the way reducing time spent reading and ingesting God's Word.   In both cases I do not experience the treasures inside unless I open the Bible and plastic case.  There are many traditions and doctrines practiced in the Christian faith; are they all  Biblical?  I have discovered that many are not.  It is easy to find a defender of these traditions, many of which are in a church pulpit and come from a seminary!  who am I to question an individual with a  divinity degree?  They must know more than I, right?  Yes and no.  They may know Greek and Hebrew but they were taught by flawed humans.   Without the Master Teacher,  the Holy Spirit, and critical thinking parishioners and seminary students blindly believe and follow unbiblical teaching.


In order to use a STEM sensor I typically have to load an existing Github library and look at some examples of how to access it.  Then adapting the sensor for my own project may require more research on programming and any limitations so I do not destroy the sensor or my Arduino computer.   Recently, I came across an error in a library and posted my find.  The error was corrected in about 6 hours!  Similarly, if I am trying to find about "church", research is required to find out what a church was in God's Word and compare with church today.  It is obvious that differences exist, so how did those differences come to be?   This requires more research to discover the change,  usually starting with the "church fathers".  In many cases the changes started subtlety with a "church father" and within 300 years the original morphed into obvious error.    However, that error became tradition and widely accepted.   Unfortunately, I have discovered that the term "church father" should have been church historian and not be readily treated as Truth, above or equal to Scripture!  Churches have had the Truth in the pews for nearly 1500 years  yet the errors still exist!


The COVID quarantine provided the opportunity to put my Powerwheels idea into action.  My first idea was to mimic each mechanical piece in the Powerwheels system such as turning on the system.  Had I not researched the sensors I had on hand to determine their limitations several parts would have been destroyed.  I am supposed to "mimic" or better, follow the Foundation as the Holy Sprit directed the  Apostles.  How can I know what the Foundation is if I do not listen to the Holy Spirit as I "eat" God's Word?   I must not make the mistake of letting someone educated by a seminary tell me what the Foundation is or means without checking it out.


I will post my STEM Powerwheels project soon. 

