I could throw at it

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So I have the Helios 300 using the GTX that item and anything I could throw at it play and 1060 game wise. I've never done Twitch streaming although I'd think you'd be OK with the Nitro. Have you used any apps that record while you playwith? Someone had sent me a clip of them murdering me and I had asked what they used and it was some kind of RuneScape gold Nivida software, but might save the last like 30 sec or anything like that.I believe there is built in software with this Helios 300 that can do that, but I have never done anything with it. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

I have been reading thru some of the gaming notebook communities and maintain seeing people meantipning that the Acer Nirto 5 and have yet to see a bad.review onto it. The majority of them appear to be folks being amazed with it... so I am kinda leaning towards it. Plus it is the only 1 k can locate with the specs I need for under $1,000. usd. Cause like I said, I am only testing the waters with the whole streaming thing, and even $880.39 after taxation and shit is still quite an investment for a laptop.There is a current post on this subreddit about a dell gaming laptop using a 2060 to get 979$ which I think is a really solid cost for an RTX card.

1 thing I hate with recent nvidia cards is the naming scheme and my biggest question mark is this GTX 1650's existence. But the ti is noticeably better. But if price is a concern I would recommend searching for a bargain on rtx 2060 notebook such as that dell. Really true have you looked into the different items which you would have to start streaming? Like Webcam, a Mic and all that stuff? I wouldn't mind doing that myself with all all the new notebook I have tomorrow coming.

Graphic card to get OSRS

I bought a gaming desktop PC to play League of Legends. A while ago my PC wouldn't start anymore and since I had been busy graduation I didn't seem into it. However, I just went to investigate it and I'm surprised that I really found the problem: my picture card does not work anymore. I removed it (again surprised I was able to do so lol) and it might begin again. I was able to play OSRS while there wasn't a graphic card added. So now my question: do I truly need a graphic card? Is it bad for my PC when I do not use one? I don't mind spending some cash on one, but I actually only use this background for OSRS (obtained a laptop for work), so if it isn't needed, I would to not spend any money on it. I play runelite, utilize some greater drawing space, smooth animation and so forth.

No, because OSRS only uses a graphics card (GPU) if you use Runelite's GPU plugin. Your i7 likely already has enough GPU power (Intel HD) to operate Runelite with GPU enabled at 60+ FPS anyways. League of Legends will not be quite as lucky. I used to run league with Buy RS gold an i5 with around 90 frames on moderate graphics in my notebook. It is not graphically intensive It depends on your resolution and what type of GPU you've. You had a res monitor along with a high end Intel HD/dedicated GPU. Although LoL gets updated constantly to be more efficient.
