Understanding our Jewish Christian Brethren in the 21st Century

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Many Gentile Christians are lacking in understanding of our Biblical responsibility towards Jews and Israel

21 August 2020

I was listening to a short clip of Dr. Frank Turek and came across a resource I was not aware of before.

The resource is "One For Israel".  I highly recommend this site, https://www.oneforisrael.org/.  Apostle Paul is quite thorough regarding the Gentile Believer's adoption with our Jewish Believers.  It troubled me greatly regarding the low number of Jewish Believers in Christian churches.  I decided to find out why.  My blog was written before I knew about my new found resource, however my research covers only two of the three reasons given by  Eitan Bar.


Today I heard a more complete version from a Jewish follower of Messiah Jesus. The presentaion is from a member of "One For Israel" and can be found at:


Titled: "The 3 Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus Israel Evangelism Report (By Eitan Bar)"




