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Earlier this year, there were two occasions when I wound up in discussions with gun prohibitionists trying to pass themselves off as 'gun safety advocates.'

In one of those encounters, it seemed necessary to remind the listening audience there was one certified firearms user in the room and it wasn't the other person who was representing the gun prohibition lobbying group.

Take this as a learning experience because the elections are on the horizon, you're a voter with an opportunity to question candidates and you might wind up in a debate with some gun grabber 'glubber' who claims to be an authority on gun safety or a member of some so-called 'gun safety' organization. This is when you can put them on the spot and they will unintentionally help you do it.

NRA Certified firearms instructors and trained firearms users have a card identifying them as such. Mine has been protected with a laminated plastic cover. A friend who used to lobby for the industry was an instructor and he habitually pulled out his instructor's card to ask opponents, "Do you have one of these? If you don't, you probably shouldn't be here talking about gun safety"

If you can't say you're a certified instructor or trained user, the next best thing is to challenge these anti-gunners to recite the four rules of gun safety as set down by the late Col. Jeff Cooper, the "Father of the Modern Technique." The founder of the American Pistol Institute, now known as the Gunsite Academy, Cooper kept it simple and his rules have withstood the test of time:

• Treat all guns as if they are always loaded.
• Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
• Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot.
• Be sure of your target and what lies beyond it.

There more than likely will be a moment of silence; possibly a blank stare as your opponent's try to figure out who Cooper was and and how to artfully address the question and then maybe offer a remark about 'not being the point' before they scramble to change the subject, but DON'T allow this to happen at that point! This is when you've got them. They can't answer directly since they don't know. Whatever else is said after this point, just keep reminding your opponent — and anyone else listening or even within listening range—that your question wasn't yet answered.

These self-appointed arbiters of firearms etiquette don't know anything about guns or safety, other than they don't like them and don't want anyone to have them. It's up to you to set it in concrete so people remember it. You're the expert. NOT them. PERIOD!

If or when one of these people claims to be a gun owner, it's easy to make them begin stammering by asking, "how long have you handled firearms?" Or better still, if they've sold one or two to someone else that required them to go through the background check?

But never, EVER ask them how many firearms they have or have owned in their life because you very might be met with the rudimentary none-of-your-business response, which would lower your credentials right there and then. It's like touching another biker's 'scoot' at Sturgis. It's just NOT done. PERIOD!

Firearms people do not ask that question and many, even within their own firearms communities, don't or won't divulge it.

Finally, there most always is a point where these idiots will trip over their own shadow. Some will get frustrated with your logical treatment to a logical conversation and eventually retort that the best 'gun safety' is NO firearms in society.

THAT my friends, is when you have FINALLY got them absolutely and unequivocally nailed down to their true intentions and agenda.

Was that an under-handed bait? Of course it was, but so what? Those sneaks are doing a LOT worse than using baiting questions, while they never use bait only because they don't have the truth behind them with which any bait would work anyway.

Do NOT allow them to walk away without your having DECISIVELY BRINGING THAT TO THEIR ATTENTIONS!

It's not unfair to ask when the last time was they went to the range to practice or ask if they've taken any gun safety course or courses? These same questions apply to anyone running for local public office as well.

And IF in response they should come back asking why you need a firearm, ANY firearm or why you feel required to carry or own high capacity weaponry, there are one of two SOLID answers to retort back with.

Depending on the question and even possibly how it was phrased, when asked WHY one owns ANYTHING, the TRUE RESPONSE is to state that this is the one question that is by its very nature, quintessentially socialistic and communistic just in and of itself as asked.

The second, and possibly the better response is to ask those in defense of gun control if they value protecting the lives of ones they love, family, friends, acquaintances or even other good people or strangers? And before they have the chance to take a breath, treat the question almost rhetorically and continue with your surprise if they felt otherwise.

This leaves their backs up against a brick wall with absolutely nothing logical they can counter with.

If you're in a discussion with somebody who says he or she is a member of a "gun safety" group, stop them cold by asking them if offer classes on safety?

When they respond they don't really hold classes, (and they will) this is the moment to remind them that they've then no business preaching gun safety if they're not teaching gun safety because their actions can only set up their 'students' for failure and even possibly loss of their lives. AGAIN. PERIOD!

This same strategy applies to meeting candidates, because the next eight weeks should provide plenty of opportunities to attend at least one of these sessions. Any candidate who claims to support 'gun safety' legislation should be challenged -AND- INSISTED to recite Cooper's Four Rules.

Cooper's Laws have stood the challenge of time; the candidates of not.

Here's another way to make these people look foolish:
(which they are)

Offer to go shooting with them. If they've claimed to be gun owners, invite them to bring their own firearms.

A couple of years ago, as a private citizen and constituent, I attended a public forum with three local legislators. A woman in the audience demanded to know if the Republican state representative had taken money from the National Rifle Association.

It's a fair question, but the savvy activist should immediately counter by asking whether the politician or candidate has accepted contributions from Everytown for Gun Safety, a regional or local gun control group or ANY OTHER groups funded either by George Soros or Mike Bloomberg?

During the weekend of Sept. 18-20 the 35th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference will be held at the Mariott Orlando Airport Lakeside hotel in Orlando, Fla.

Rest assured there will be panel discussions on how best to prevail over the enemies of gun rights, not just between now and Election Day but in the months and even years ahead.

This annual conference is considered a "must" event for the most active of gun rights activists and many people travel great distances to be there. If you can't attend, there's an opportunity to watch it being live-streamed on the Second Amendment Foundation's Facebook page.

As this is written, a complete roster of speakers is still being finalized, but it's safe to expect a veritable roster of "Who's Who?" in the Second Amendment community.

The conference is the brainchild of the Second Amendment Foundation's (SAF) Alan Gottlieb and he will be serving as the Master of Ceremonies. The event is co-sponsored by SAF and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and includes representatives from other rights groups such as Gun Owners of America, the NRA, Illinois State Rifle Association, New York State Rifle Pistol Association, and other state organizations from around the country.

This is a genuine learning opportunity, and much of this year's agenda will be focused on national and local elections.

git' off 'ur arsess' and make the change!

emma nelson 4 yrs

The lies that are being told in the News Media are incredible this kid that shot those protesters life is upside down because he was trying to stand up for our right to bear arms. A kid! We are in a war those things in Portland and the other states are terrorist. Why are they running the street as terrorist and one kid and some friends are out there trying to protect the cities? The cops hands are tied??? How long is this going to go on?

emma nelson 4 yrs