For The Love of Money

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For The Love of Money or the love of money is the root of all evil(s)

If you take a careful look at all the evils that we suffer right now, you’ll find a love of money at the very heart. Yes, there are other evils mixed in, but the very foundation of these events is greed. And, since power and money are essentially the same thing, to speak of one is to speak of the other.

The Democrats, the Republicans, the BLM movement, George Soros, China, the Catholics, (ew boy. I'm Roman Catholic) Corrupt Bible Translations, (especially corrupted translations) Neo-Nazis, Antifa, Pornography, Gay Rights, and even Baptists like Jerry Falwell… all have the love of money at the root of their evil.

It probably does not surprise you that my big mouth got me kicked out of high school on the day before graduation. I didn’t like being told what to do and what to believe, so I pushed back when they tried. I was allowed back to walk down the isle to receive my diploma, but it was a grim experience none-the-less.

Fortunately, when I went to university, I learned to keep my mouth shut in the classroom. (Yeah, I know. A miracle.) And, if I had a chance to talk to my teenage self all those years ago, I would have told myself to shut up and stop making mountains out of mole hills. (Which I am very good at doing.)

Unfortunately, none of that is why I was kicked out that last day. The reason why they threw me out was because I was a threat to the power and money of the administration. Worse, they used lies and dirty tricks to get me to shut up, before eventually getting rid of me, but only on the day before graduation of which I did return for ceremonies and for which I'm sure they wished they had done so much sooner and which would have also kept me from graduating.

Now, since the Catholic Church has since the Vatican II between the years 1962 - 1965 made itself null, void and having fallen into heresy, you may be able to more fully understand my angers.

All of that explains why I am not surprised by recent revelations of corrupt and horrifying behavior by Jerry Falwell Jr. And, I can tell you that there are so many like him in positions of leadership of Christian churches and organizations, that it would shock you to find out.

I have been a Roman Catholic for 69 years. I have attended a lot of churches around the world. All of those churches were corrupt. All of them, except two – and maybe a third. And yes, let me emphasize that.


Except two or three.

And, the only reason why those two or three churches were not corrupt – as far as I can tell – was due to their small size. Having said that, I found myself in a couple of churches that were both small AND corrupt, so size isn’t the only thing.

However, every church that I have ever attended that was about 100 members and above, were all – without exception – corrupt in some vital and important way. And, all of their corruption was directly connected to money and power.

Yeah, there were other sins involved. There was arrogance, pride, adultery, pornography, dishonesty, hypocrisy, false teaching, abortion, theft, coercion and everything else except outright murder in the sanctuaries. And, all of that was happening while the priests or pastors would stand up every Sunday and give what sounded like a great sermon.

I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced what these people are willing to do. And, I have heard horror stories from others who have had similar experiences. And, for every ‘Jerry Falwell’ who is caught, every priest that is caught, there are many, many more who are not – whose sins are covered up by loyal parishioners, ‘elders’ and ‘deacons’.

I have seen so much of it, it’s always a surprise when I don’t find it.

I am equally surprised when I find someone actively fighting it.

If you are a young Christian or have never been in a position of responsibility in a church, you probably do not know or understand what I am talking about. 

Unfortunately, it also means that you are probably being poisoned by your church if it is as corrupt as some of the ones that I have seen.

Remember that half of all pastors have admitted to regularly consuming pornography and I don't even wanna' go there with the priests. As far as my faith with Catholicism, the entire Roman Catholic church is no longer valid.

Since Vatican II, there are no longer any valid priests or clergy in the entire church world-wide and the few that are will only be found in nursing home care because they are the few remaining that have been ordained since before the Vatican II nullified and made further priests invalid.

And, those are just the ones who admit to it. That makes me wonder about the other half.

Is your priest or pastor a regular consumer of pornography?

And, that’s just one of many corruptions our priests and pastors are involved in. Then there are the elders and treasurers who are engaged in God-knows-what kinds of sin. 

And yeah, God surely does know. And, there will be a reckoning one day, and that price will be high for those who have betrayed their responsibilities.

The Bible speaks to this point in Paul’s letter to Timothy:

For the love of money is the root of all evils. Some people in reaching for it have strayed from the faith and stabbed themselves with many pains.

 – 1 Timothy 6:10 (NET)

TRANSLATION NOTE: The New English Translation (NET) seems to have it most correct, (although I myself will only follow and study the original Haydock Douay Rheims Bible), but they corrupt that verse with their footnotes. Other translations say ‘root of all kinds of evil’, but that is not what the original Greek translation actually says. As I always tell people, we should NEVER insert our own interpretation of the Bible, into the Bible.

Just look at how this verse is being played out right in front of our eyes. Everywhere. In everything.

Did you know that pornography is the single, biggest reason why your Internet speed is so fast?

Did you know that porn was the first industry to make money on the Internet?

Have you wondered why no one in the Obama administration has gone to jail?

Why does China want to crush and destroy Taiwan?

Why do so few know that there was a third building that fell on 9/11, in New York City?

Why have the heroin distribution networks never been uncovered?

Why was JFK assassinated?

How did Hitler rise so fast? So quickly?

Why is there so much sex and violence coming from Hollywood?

Why is there so much erotic imagery in marketing?

Why are there so many Bible translations?

Why does the Roman Catholic Church continue to be so powerful?

Why did Jerry Falwell abuse his power and engage in such awful sin?

I could go on and on and on, but the one thing that ties every single one of those questions together is the love of money. Yes, there are other sins and abominations mixed into all of those questions, but the love of money weaves its way through all of them. Every. Single. One.

When the Antichrist rises and takes control of the world, he will succeed in doing so because of the Love of Money.
