I was still young in my Christian experience when I read a remarkable quote that has helped to shape my life for these past 20 years. The quote was from the revivalist Leonard Ravenhill in his book entitled, "Sodom had no Bible". It goes like this, "Scholarship on fire for God, to my mind is the eighth wonder of the world." Over the years this quote has been a guidepost to me as I have endeavored to be both educated and zealous for the things of God. This saying has three distinct ideas in it that are worthy of any believer's attention.
"Scholarship" or education is essential on so many levels. Knowledge, understanding, wisdom... the power to know and to do are the core tools for success in any arena of life. What kind of knowledge is best? The knowledge of God is for certain the highest goal of knowledge. The knowledge of God is rooted in two primary sources; The material creation which is all around us (natural revelation) and the Holy Scriptures which were recorded for our benefit (special revelation). I along with many others belong to the "Lifelong Learner Club", we love to learn. Learn what? Learn just about anything... Human nature, History, Geography, Science, Communications, Business, Philosophy, Biography, and yes Theology which in times past was called the "Queen of the Sciences". Learn all that you can and then learn some more! Never stop learning. My Grandmother Fay is 91 years old and she says that she is still learning about God and his creation! Scholarship or education is only one half of this powerful equation. Knowledge alone is not enough to get you where you are called to go.
"On fire for God"--zeal and passion unite with scholarship to form a powerful dynamic force in a person's life. Zest for life...passionate pursuit of what matters most to you. Singleness of purpose and intense desire for something good and an unwillingness to be turned away from that goal until you possess it! Fervency of heart, principled conviction, and relentless and insatiable craving for the presence and the power of God in our life is the work of the Spirit of the Living God which is in every true believer. You have probably heard the saying from Thomas Edison, "Life is 1% Inspiration and 99% perspiration!" Well those numbers may not be exact but one thing is for sure, it is not enough to just want something or someone-- you have to pursue and persevere until you have reached the prize.
Balance-- Like the tightrope walker suspended far above Niagra Falls... His knowledge and experience will mean nothing if he loses his balance. I had a friend who's brother had taken their Mother to town in his pickup truck. As they were driving along a dog ran out in front of him and his gut reaction was to swerve to miss the dog. In swerving he went off the road and then over-corrected to the other direction and flipped the truck. They both survived, but his own Mother was paralyzed from the accident. No one knows the sadness of that man's heart over his mother. For the sake of a dog his mother lost her ability to walk. Which is more important? Knowledge or Zeal? What is it that you need today-- more education or more intensity in your walk with God? In crossing the Niagra Falls of your life it is vital that you know the Author of all Knowledge, and to be successful that knowledge must be united with Fire! Know God, and let His Spirit light a fire in you that the world cannot put out. Become like Jesus-- Full of Grace and Truth. It takes both of these to get to heaven! May God give us the grace to live the truth in every aspect of our lives; at home, at work, at school, and in our hearts.
Jack Baggelaar 6 anos
I believe that when things seem impossible,let go and let god.