The Chinese Military

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The Expendable Chinese Soldier: China's regime of Threats and Intimidation. We have seen before how the Chinese fight. The Chinese Military soldier is expected to throw himself at enemy fire and die is necessary. This can only come from one thing and it is not love of country.

We have seen before how the Chinese fight. The Chinese Military soldier is expected to throw himself at enemy fire and die is necessary. This can only come from one thing and it is not love of country. If a Chinese soldier loved his country, he would wish to see it again. If he fights for his family, now we can begin to see motivation for a suicide soldier. We saw this behavior in Chinese soldiers in Korea and Vietnam.

The CCP will murder anyone it thinks it must. Xi is not a good man, he is a tyrant. And every soldier knows that unless they fight this way, their families will suffer. The Japanese suffered the same threat and we were told it was "dishonor" when the reality is that your family would be "disgraced."

Code words for suffering and pain and possibly starvation as the widow or the orphan of a coward is worth nothing. The mental state of such soldiers is frightening and painful. Most ordinary people lack the ability to understand what it is like to be a soldier under such circumstances. Surviving the war will only mean something if you commit wildly risky acts of bravery, and such bravery usually ends in death. And family will be honored.

China is not very careful with it's 1.3 billion people. They are expendable for as long as the CCP holds the power of life and death over ordinary women and children.

Teresa McKirgan 5 yrs

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