RS3 has bots but deals with them

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I have trained my account and OSRS gold have had it since OS release, and the account is still about the highscores. I thought maybe its possible they transfered it across emails if thats possible. However, my password reset remains on my own email address when I do the password in my first account. So its like they picked up my accounts just like a lego block and misplaced it. My password resets are great to my email along with accounts, but if I log into im back at tutorial island. You may of not realized you're employing a diff acc maybe or something im not certain, but if its on HS still then it means its active.

Is RS3 much more stable/less divided than OSRS?

For the last few days I have begun to watch more and more RuneScape movies on Youtube. You understand Youtube's algorithm works. Watch 1 thing and it urges increasingly more similar stuff, at least tries. I've nothing against OSRS, play whatever you like as long as you feel like you enjoy the time. However I have yet to stumble upon a video which goes to RS3 botting problems. On the other hand I've seen 20 videos of OSRS bot farms, exploits or whatever mass profit opportunities these cheaters come up with. Can this algorithm simply playing me or is OSRS more vulnerable and complete devalues any legit participant action in RuneScape?

Both games certainly have bot problems but they are definitely more notable in OSRS. The spiders in RS3 are inclined to be a lot easier to not notice as they're farming available to all content that is not part of the meta vs OSRS ones being in more regularly utilized places. Overall I'd say RS3 has rather the level of bots you'd expect to get an MMORPG - they're there, you can detect them but RuneScape is not overrun. OSRS is certainly leaning the scale being run as the engine severly restricts their bot detection potential to silently deal with bots automatically behind the scenes. Its why the"which sport is more popular" arguements between buff boys who emphasise that the opposing variant always go around and round in circles.

OSRS will always fixate on their using a greater internet player count as evidence they're more popular, but RS3 side will always increase when you look at the number of bots you can find on any particular world as evidence OSRS has less actual players and their greater internet count is the end result of like 75% being robots. RS3 is considerably quest so the majority of the playerbase does not hang out that botters utilize, out of sight out of mind locked. I personally have not seen a bot in months. Botting is still a problem but maybe not to the extent it is on OSRS.

RS3 has bots but deals with them. Normally they come back after the prohibit waves that are monthly but recently a botfarms seem to have vanished. That the folks playing OSRS are 3:1 to RuneScape players. This can cause and impact of these robots; more players, more active black market, more illicit actors and smaller group allocated to Buy RS gold the development signifies more exploits than you would expect are getting through. However these issues each has balancing variable or a silver lining that people put up.
