Honoring Those Who Served On September 11th

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Honoring Those Who Served On September 11th

  • On September 11th, people serving in our police and fire departments ran into the Twin Towers while everyone else was running out.  That’s real courage.  And perhaps even more than that, it’s love for one’s neighbor in action.  Selfless Love.

    Neighbors reached out to one another, people in line at the grocery store actually spoke to one another and families through out the nation prayed together.  Our churches were overflowing.  We shared our faith with those in need, and everything else as well.  Christian songs filled the airways, on EVERY channel.  Our nation, turned as one, back to God.  It was the worst of times, but it was also the best. 

    As a nation, we remembered, as One Nation Under God, what was really mattered-and we acted on it.

    Flash forward a few years and I don’t think the same can be said.  Covid 19 has many of us living in fear.  Cities are being burned and looted.  And people are being beaten and killed.  Our government appears to be out of control.  As a nation, we used to know better!  Right and wrong were not relative;  morality was not something that good people could live without.

    Now, those with faith are told to keep quiet.  The same TV news anchors that prayed for our nation on September 11th, do not do so now.  Instead of being grateful that there are so many people who serve  in our police and fire departments with a selfless courage that few of us have, we treat them with a horrific disrespect and lack of appreciation.   We can only wonder what comes next.

    A storm is raging in our country.  And we have a choice to make.  Turn back to God and loving one another or watch the storm rage until the entire country is destroyed.

    It’s our choice, given to us by God Himself.  And if we want to honor all of those who gave their lives on September 11th, we need to make the right one.

