Yet again head into the Lair and give the bars to the Runescape

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The Spider Wand is the equivalent in the same way as the Spider Wand because it has the same tier. It's an offensive weapon in the same class as the off-hand counterpart from the Spider Wand OSRS Gold. Also, it allows the player to use spells using the off-hand slot, since it's a weaponjust as when you have two swords, for instance, you could deal harm with both. If you're at the level, you could possibly purchase and utilize Batwing btw that is more powerful, and is incredibly cheap as well.

Warpriest is among the top armors in F2p however it's only available to players... except if you were a participant in the event several months ago and I'm not sure. It's tier 2 in f2p (was altered by Jagex) It's not the most durable armor in the majority of situations.

You can still buy decent hybrid armor though, Ghost hunter's armor (w/e it's called) is just as great and you can also get it from fighting ghosts. Also there's dragonstone armor, but the price is expensive. I believed it was capped at Tier 50. The best hybrid armour for f2p like he said was dragonstone, which is tier 60.

A World Event is coming this summer (May or June, I think) so you should have the chance to buy warpriest by then. In the past, when you were able to receive warpriest was around 2014. I'm talking about the 2nd or 3 or whatever, don't know the terminology, just an 07 player slipping by OSRS Fire Cape for sale. Warpriest armour is horrible F2P. It's tier 50 however its stats are lower than similar tier 50 "tank armours, due to it being hybrid armour.
