Is It Safe To Repair A Puncture?

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In case the hole that caused the puncture has a larger diameter, it is best to replace the tire with a new one for auto for trade.

Who has not ever suffered a puncture? This unpleasant and untimely situation that sooner or later all drivers face has only two solutions: change the tire or repair the puncture. It all seems very simple, but is it safe to repair a flat tire and keep using it? Next, we give you the answer to this question that generates so many doubts in users.

First of all, you should know that only a trained tire specialist can determine if a tire is suitable for repair or if it should be replaced with a new one. To do this, the workshop professional will have to disassemble the tire and carry out a complete and thorough inspection of it to assess its condition and the type of repair to be carried out. However, even if the puncture is repairable, the tire will not be suitable for circulation if it shows deformations in the rim, folds in the canvas or in the rubber and wear on the sidewall due to friction against the ground.

It is true that the punctured tire can also be repaired without disassembling it using the well-known puncture repair kits or kits with anti-puncture foam, although you should know that this solution is only temporary and should be applied in emergency situations. Subsequently, it is advisable to go to a specialist to perform an internal inspection of the tire.


In most cases, punctures are caused by contact with sharp objects on the road, such as nails, screws, glass, etc. Although not all punctures can be repaired, there are many cases in which they can be fixed without problems; so the tire can continue to be used safely.

  • Punctures that cause holes up to 6 millimeters in diameter in the tread can be easily repaired. In case the hole that caused the puncture has a larger diameter, it is best to replace the tire with a new one for auto for trade.
  • Punctures in the sidewall area can be safely repaired if the hole has a maximum diameter of up to 3 millimeters, but only on tires with a speed code T, i.e. up to 190 kilometers per hour. On higher speed codes or on run-flat tires it is not advisable to fix the puncture.


One of the best methods to repair a puncture is called PRP or Puncture Repair Patches, also known as mushroom patches. This method is one of the most used since the patch is inserted into the puncture and seals the inner surface of the tire.

If the puncture has a very large diameter, special patches such as vulcanized patches must be used, although the maximum recommended limits to fix these holes are up to 15 millimeters in the tread and up to 60 x 10 millimeters in the sidewall area.

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