The Chastisement of Xi.

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Congratulations, you have become Rome in a day. Let the rotting begin.

The chastisement of Xi.

Welcome to the top, Xi. Now that you are a world superpower, you immediately call out Christ.

But you fail to understand, Jesus could just as well have said, Render unto Xi that which is Xi's, and render unto God that which is God's.

Congratulations, you have become Rome in a day. Let the rotting begin.


I pray that those Christian prisoners you have taken, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and that their chains rest gently upon them, as they begin to "radicalize" your criminal element into a Christian army. Even your trusted guards will begin to hear them. Soon, the spirit of Love will overcome you. And you will be forced to free these people. And they will forgive you, perhaps after some time of great weakness on their part.

I am so disappointed in you Pooh. (Theme of Pooh and Christopher Robin in image)

If your goal is to erase the spirit of Christ from among your people, you might want to rethink this. I hear that Lions are a pretty interesting method of controlling Christ in the hearts of men. But even this can backfire. Men have witnessed God shut the mouths of lions. Burning is a good option. But kings have lost kingdoms, when Christ stands among men in furnaces. Crucifixions are another. But that would be too transparent. But I doubt any form of death will work on the faithful. This has been tried before. For about 300 years, the Roman Empire tried to exterminate Christ. Until it became a Christian kingdom. But of course, go right ahead.

And Pooh says “Oh bother. They'll be no honey then?”



