Opportunity for Rest

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I’m writing a quick note because I have the opportunity.


Both kids are napping at the same time! This rarely happens anymore.

CarsBoy3 takes a nap most days, but not all. DinoGirl5 takes a handful of naps a month. Either way, at this stage, we don’t have a scheduled “nap time”. They can listen to their bodies and rest when needed. I may invite them to lay down and relax with me or put on a calm movie if I think they might benefit from some rest.

As I sit here in the quiet, I’m reflecting on how wonderful this opportunity to rest is and how grateful I am for it.

There are days, especially when they both nap for a few hours, that the guilt and doubt kicks in and I think “we didn’t really do anything today”. But then I realize that they’ve been afforded the opportunity to listen to their bodies and rest when they needed to rest. Plant Identification would have still been in the classroom for a couple of hours during this time that she was napping. How miserable for her, her teacher, and probably even her classmates. It’s hard to learn anything when you’re tired.

If their napping keeps them up a bit later tonight, that’s also ok. We don’t have any plans for tomorrow morning.  The joys of unschooling!

These days of “needing” naps will end at some point (probably right when teenage sleep patterns kick in) and at that point we can spend the whole day exploring our world.

But even then, we are afforded the amazing opportunity to tune in to our bodies and rest when needed. I’m incredibly thankful for that.
