The Great Value of Video in Book and Author Publicity

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Most book marketing campaigns take place to a substantial extent online, and content is king. People find out about your book from news websites, blogs, social media, podcasts, and other vehicles that they read and watch. Video sharing platforms are skyrocketing in popularity, and it brings up the topic of video for your campaign. Like movie trailers, book trailers are a popular device used by more authors nowadays. They are easily sharable and, when well done, are fun to watch and are motivating. Video interviews also can help get news of your book to a larger audience and should be given consideration.


Even if you don't love the spotlight, book PR and marketing campaigns require your participation as the author, and video is an excellent opportunity. Some authors in nonfiction genres also produce video series that accompany their books and are additional revenue generators. In categories like self-help, they're increasingly popular, and many people have used them to great success. They cross-pollinate with books and give people various opportunities for consuming your content. When you produce your own videos, they are under your control and say what you want to say on your topic.


When you make videos, you need to approach them with the same organization and professionalism you did in writing your book. People's expectations are high, and others compete for the same target audiences. Many authors work with experienced producers on their video series and have higher production values. If someone reads your book, they may likely buy a video (or video series) on the same topic. In reverse, if they find out about you first from video and enjoy what they've watched, they are excellent candidates to buy a copy of your book. It's ideal cross-marketing.


With everything you produce being shared on the internet, make sure you excerpt your video with easy-to-post clips that work on social media and your website. You'll be amazed by the likes and shares you receive with minimal effort. When fans become interested in an author, they naturally want to learn more about them. Your video appearances on the internet are one way to give them what they want. The days of authors remaining behind their books are fading away, and you need to be more visible to succeed. Making sure you take advantage of the opportunities presented by video is crucial to success.


