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For millennia, now, mankind has worked by the sweat of his brow and the cudgeling of his brain's inventiveness to survive. All of a sudden, one disappointed but educated man, Marx, wrote a manifesto. Now, I like freebies as much as anyone, but I know that nothing is free. A free favor from an acquaintance (different from a friend) might be paid odd by their asking of a future favor. Socialist systems do not work if they encourage slothfulness and laziness and the overproduction of human offspring. When any system has more people taking than giving to it, it is the beginning of the end. Our country is approaching that end.
I know a hypocrite who has never reached friend status with me because he is a racist, a hypocrite, and a bigot. I have worked hard since 1972 to rid him of these negative ideas. I found he takes some time to absorb them, usually six months, then forgetting where he got the idea, thinks he has had another epiphany. For example: Satanism, God, social welfare, respect for others, sympathy and empathy for others, having children, just to name a few. Although cursing others taking from the social welfare system, he takes help thru his wife, his mistress (lives with him and wife), his children when they were eligible for help, and other relatives. This man was/is a talent who has made beautiful historical pieces of armor and weapons of the type from 1 AD to 1650. Yet, he lives in what appears to be an abandoned second cousin to a junkyard. He, like others benefiting from the social welfare system, can only see that he deserves it because he was born here and has produced only 3 children with two women.
None of us deserve it as a sure bet. Should we all have access to decent medical treatment? Absolutely, if we are legal citizens of this country who are able to work and pay taxes. Others should only receive the minimum until their status changes. Should we have shelter and adequate nourishment? Yes again, if we give back to the system that benefits us. Some systems are set up that way, but they do not seem to last. One gave basic food items out at bi-monthly drive thru situations. At the end we had to pay $5 a bag for some really nice items that grocery stores could not sell due to expiration dates. I never received rotten fruit or produce but I have from just buying bags of produce in general purchases. Another way we could pay our way was to work in the warehouse. While it was not store prices, we were paying our way to an extent. Instilling in people the idea that they deserve a good living is wrong. It is unreasonable to expect interest from a bank if we don't deposit in the bank. It is unreasonable to think our neighbors owe us play time when we won't work to earn it.
My family has benefited from social welfare systems including unemployment less than a year of our collective lifespans. We asked for no give aways except to help us regain our status as people who were putting into the system. Some of our houses were destroyed by flooding twice within a 3 year span. We helped each other to clean out the debris and mud and refurbish those homes. I saw my great grandparents knee deep in mud working to reclaim their destroyed property. The Red Cross and other organizations gave us nothing.
Habitat For Humanity is wrong. Nice homes are being built for people who do not or cannot afford to maintain them. Is this justice for those who labored to build them and those who paid for the materials? I seriiously doubt that. I felt and still feel no obligation to help someone who will not try to help themselves, and keep trying. Yet you sometimes see these people with cigarettes, drugs, and other pleasure items when they will not pay to buy a can of paint.
S Hauk 6 yrs
Rep. O-C has just learned to use the system to help the people who will keep her in office. There are others who need to be impeached before a man who, although childish acting at times, has tried to keep his word to the people of this country.