2020 Election - is a Restrainer Being Removed?

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The Enemy and enemies brazenly attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election!

2020 Election - is a Restrainer Being Removed?

One famous quote by a United States found father is very appropriate right now.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other ..."   https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Adams/99-02-02-3102

Our founding fathers knew what would happen to the United States when the citizens are not moral and religious.  Unfortunately, we are seeing their prophecy come true.  The 2020 presidential election demonstrated that prophecy by the ballot count.  We may never know the full truth of how many ballots were legal but it is obvious too many US citizens see morality and religion as a burden around their neck!  https://wordpress.com/post/pilgrimageoftruth.wordpress.com/544

How many nations see the United States as a restrainer of evil in the world?  Russia, China and Iran for starters.   How many believe that removing that restraint by cozying up to evil will end well?

However the election turns out the prophecy regarding a time of strong delusion and apostasy is becoming more obvious.   While it is sad that so many are calling good evil and evil good,  what is more     unfortunate is the fact that Christians and those calling themselves Christians are also deluded and apostate.  How anyone calling themselves Christian can support someone who desires a borderless nation, homosexuality and abortion is beyond me.  It is tantamount to saying  I want to want to continue human slavery and trafficking by removing borders or I want to murder innocent, defenseless babies in or out of the womb.  God's Word is very clear on these issues.  Justifying or ignoring God's Word does Not change God's position! 

How do those calling themselves Christian come to these new revelations!    Did an angel come down and reveal it, was it preached in the pulpit or it just sounds right?   Do they not have access to a Bible, Truth?   It is a sad day that so many churches have lost their way and raise their fist at God!  I just discovered that one or more Christian claimants, such as John Piper, will not or may not vote for a president in 2020 because of their apparent life style despite the desire to save lives or help Christian's worship in freedom!    Technically, he cannot vote for anyone ever (voting may soon be a non issue)!  Scripture says that ALL have sinned and fall short.  Fortunately,  no Christian needs the equivalent of a seminary degree to understand God's Word contrary to what tradition has claimed for nearly 2000 years.

The delusion will only become worse.  If you do not yet believe Christ Jesus is the Son of God, died on the cross to bear our sins to heal the relationship between God and Man and then rose from the dead three days later, now is the time!  Christianity is NOT blind faith.   The existence of God and the validity of the Bible is knowable.  Two apologists (there are more) I would recommend are Dr. Frank Turek and the late Ravi Zacharias.  I myself came to grips with the deception of Evolution while attending a secular college in 1971!  God made it very obvious for all to see the handiwork of His Creation (unless you bought the strong delusion). You can view my pursuit of Truth at 


