I don't like looking at OSRS Gold big numbers

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pvming and great mage and triumphed gear. I am mostly broke because I always spend my cash on something expensive. However since I've everything I want I don't need the cashmoney nor do I feel broke.

I never had a bill but my bank is likely more than a invoice. I don't like looking at OSRS Gold big numbers so that I instantly spend the amount on restocking for pvm like for elder ovls pots etc and buying abilities for 99 or even 120. Already obtained bis melee gear, which I purchased with money I created through pvming and great mage and triumphed gear. I am mostly broke because I always spend my cash on something expensive. However since I've everything I want I don't need the cashmoney nor do I feel broke.

Forgot to answer on what I do with my time. If I am being honest here I truly don't know. Mostly I come online only to farm exp and quest points because I'm close to reach maxed and pursuit Cape with 380+- pursuit points. I have everything I want for pvming. So runescape gameplay at this time is boring. On the lookout for a family busy type clan with a great deal of events and individuals really frightening in discord or ts. Want some buddies.

I think the most significant difference is honestly how you see Runescape. Before I had riches which was my whole goal. When I play, I've bought everything that's buyable, there are no things I need etc and at first I did not want to play anymore. I felt I'd achieved everything there was (no comp cape since, eww, abilities ) and amassing honestly is not that fun for me.

HOWEVER, now I have a lot more enjoyable playing. If I like a boss I can kill it, even when profit is garbage. If I like a costly skill (I really like herblore) I can do it, and it does not even matter if I play efficiently. Wealth on RS is very much like wealth irl. Is time. You no longer have to manager your time so that you could afford to purchase or do particular things, you get to spend your time doing things you enjoy, regardless of the cost, and that's really quite pleasurable.

Existential crisis time, merching makes an absurd quantity of money and I'm not considering rares so that really lowers the bar for running out of things to get. Not there will not take long. Guess I'll go comp and do logs just like everyone else is doing. I feel you. I'm eventually planning to max and then self since I've just purchased everything I care about and using rares for no other motive than to make MORE money I do nothing with almost murdered Runescape for me.

Returning to runescape. How good is it? What are the main differences?

I have not played in a long time. I stopped right after the grand exchange was inserted. I burnt out on it and lost interest. I have a few questions. Back when I played, you didn't really need a membership until about level 45 (I believe ), is that still correct? Can this wilderness? There's a literally not enough words to explain how you need to catch up (in case you want that ofc).

There are tons of new quests, player abilities, new areas to buy OSRS gp explore and new pvming supervisors. Btw yes RS3 is much more of a pvm game than pvp. Since no one wants to risk items that required them 15 hours to get from a boss so unfortunately pvp in this game is dead. I'd recommend OSRS, if nostalgia or pvp content is exactly what youre looking to get out of the experience. If however, you are open to the newest changes in this game or if u fancy lore, updated/modernized gameplay compared to the infamous old runescape ability beats then RS3 is Runescape for you to stay.
