How We Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

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How We Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

  1. Capture Rain With A Rain Barrel– Rather than use city water to water your gardens and lawn why not use Mother Nature by catching rain water than runs off your home and garage. Get yourself a rain barrel. Jenny (my teacher on writemyessay4me) and I are planning to get a couple this fall or early next spring.
  2. Keep Yard Waste Out of Landfills– For years we just put everything at the curb for pickup and it would be taken to the dump. But now we have learned about all the things we can recycle which includes leaves and yard waste. Even the produce waste, egg shells and coffee grounds go into our compost bin these days.
  3. Don’t Waste Fuel– Instead of driving around town to save a penny here and there it’s better to find one location for all your shopping requirements or at least map out the shortest route from home to back home again.
  4. Eat Less Meat – Animals we eat take time and food before they are ready for the table and they produce greenhouse gases while they are growing. Why not cut back on the four legged critters and stick with more fish. This will allow the land that’s being used to grow cows, pigs and chickens to be used to grow produce for humans.

Think about our children and their children when you are going about your day to day and see what you can come up with that will lessen greenhouse gases. They will thank you for it.
