If you're looking to go back to RuneScape

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RSorder Offers Cheap Old School RS Gold(OSRS GP), Accounts, Items and Boosting. RuneScape Products (Old School, RS3) for sale with more surprises.

The content is continually added and refinements to the game never stop being made. This could sometimes be unfavorable, particularly following the monetisation scandal which occurred a few years back. The addition of RS Gold real-money transactions via buying treasure keys created a massive uproar, however, there was nothing the game industry hasn't seen before. FIFA points though.

Although they are still around, they are not as aggressive like they were once. This is the result of a company that knows its fan base and knowing what must be done to keep its existence alive. The result was a happy result.

If you're looking to go back to RuneScape who is a bit disoriented by the overall look and impression of 'RuneScape' There are two options to make things look and play a little more familiar. If you're looking for all the graphical and content updates then you can choose to switch to Legacy Mode which takes away the most modern MMORPG features and leaves you with basic point-and-click system.

Alternatively, you can play Old School RuneScape which is the original rendition of the game. It is protected and maintained with regular updates, but it will only ever look, feel and play exactly like the original. The disadvantage is that you'll need to join a paid-for membership to enjoy all the games available. Only a few of them are accessible to osrs account free players.
