Why and how to use turmeric correctly? The spice has medicinal properties

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Turmeric (Curcuma longa, homemade turmeric, yellow ginger) not only stimulates digestion, but also contains other health benefits.

It is called a natural antibiotic, but this spice is not useful for everyone.

Turmeric or, as it is also called, "golden spice" is an Asian spice that has many useful properties. It is obtained from crushed and dried roots of the plant of the same name. What benefits it brings to the body and how to use it properly, we will tell later.


What are the beneficial properties of turmeric?

Turmeric (best turmeric brand) is a root of the ginger family, used as a spice, dye and for medicinal purposes. The main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin:

strong antioxidant: activates the production of antioxidant enzymes in the cells of the body, which in turn reduces the action of free radicals;
natural immunomodulator: comprehensively increases the body's resistance, as it is an adaptogen (other known adaptogens: ginseng, royal jelly, Eleutherococcus, mummy, Reishi mushroom and others);
anti-inflammatory agent: suppresses molecules involved in inflammatory processes and regulates enzymes associated with inflammation;
oncoprotector: causes cancer cell death.

In addition, curcumin helps brain activity, is used in stroke, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's (promotes the growth of neurons and protects existing neural connections), lowers cholesterol and blood sugar.

Although curcumin is insoluble in water, it is well absorbed in combination with vegetable oil and black pepper.

Turmeric also contains good doses of iron, manganese and potassium.

Are there any contraindications?

In addition to proven beneficial properties, turmeric has a number of contraindications:

taking drugs aimed at diluting the blood (anticoagulants, antiplatelet);
the presence of hidden wounds, erosions, ulcers, hemorrhoids, gastritis (there is a risk of bleeding);
low blood pressure (turmeric will lower it even more);
type 1 diabetes (possibly a sharp drop in blood sugar);
gallstone disease (curcumin stimulates bile flow - it is dangerous in the presence of stones).

All this concerns the use of curcumin drugs in therapeutic (large) doses. Turmeric itself should not be consumed on an empty stomach, and pregnant and lactating women and children under six should not overdo it with this spice.

How to use turmeric?

It is important to understand that the curcumin content in turmeric is only 3%, so in the form of root, juice or spice, it is hardly able to cure or harm. Curcumin preparations are used for therapeutic purposes (the best in assimilation is the micellar formula of liposomal curcumin).

The drug should be prescribed by a doctor - the dosage and interaction with other drugs are important.
For preventive purposes and for general recovery, it is useful to introduce turmeric in the diet in the form of spices: it is better to buy it not in a supermarket, but in a specialty store, preferably marked "Organic". The seasoning can be added to sauces, cream soups or make a trendy coffee drink with whipped milk, honey, turmeric and pepper.

It is best to use turmeric in the autumn-winter period for at least 1.5-2 months (cumulative effect). And it is better to do it in the morning, with or after a meal, but not on an empty stomach!

You can also buy fresh root of the plant (sold in some supermarkets), grate it and add to tea, like ginger, with honey and lemon.

And turmeric is great for cosmetic procedures - it contains many biologically active components, and due to them prevents wrinkles, pigmentation, increases skin immunity, has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects.

Cheerfulness and immunity: delicious and unusual recipes for coffee with spices
How to make a healthy turmeric drink?
Turmeric juice can be used in the preparation of immunostimulating drinks. For example, shota with turmeric to strengthen immunity.

You will need:

orange - 2 pieces;
lemon - 2 pieces;
ginger root - 150 g; turmeric root - 150 g;
a pinch of black pepper;
honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Turmeric normalizes the gastrointestinal tract

For those who have even minor disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, turmeric is especially indicated. It is known to normalize acidity and restore the microflora, normalize the gallbladder, remove toxins, promote tissue regeneration, and even tighten ulcers and prevent the spread of cancer cells.

Turmeric helps with joint problems

Curcuminoids, which are part of turmeric, can relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis, reduce inflammation and analgesic and even suppress the destruction of bone and cartilage.
Moreover, some studies have confirmed that curcumin promotes the production of collagen and glycosaminoglycan, which are responsible for joint mobility and ligament elasticity.

Turmeric promotes weight loss

Turmeric can be of great benefit to those who dream of losing weight. This spice speeds up metabolism and normalizes endocrine processes in the body. It is believed that it helps to cope with obesity and reduce the risk of diabetes in overweight people.
To lose weight, the spice is added to tea, along with honey, ginger and other useful ingredients. Turmeric is also added to milk, and drink a healthy drink before bedtime.

Turmeric prevents blood clots and improves blood circulation

Turmeric is known for its high antithrombotic activity. Curcumin is known to help improve blood circulation. Improving blood circulation with regular consumption of turmeric entails solving many problems with unstable blood pressure and blood clotting.
It is believed that the effectiveness of this spice in the prevention of cardiovascular disease is similar to the effectiveness of regular fitness.

Turmeric reduces chronic inflammation and heals the body

Turmeric is the strongest antioxidant. By consuming turmeric daily, you can hardly get rid of chronic diseases that have plagued you for years. However, to reduce the inflammatory process, to improve the quality of life - is quite real. Turmeric has a cumulative effect in chronic inflammation in the body. It has been noticed that the longer you take it, the more obvious will be its anti-inflammatory effect.
Moreover, turmeric is equally effective in completely different chronic diseases: and cardiovascular, and infectious, and endocrinological, and cancer.


In addition to its unconditional usefulness, turmeric has contraindications. Turmeric should be used with great caution by those who have hemophilia. It is necessary to assess the risks and consult a doctor with a form of diabetes mellitus, which is at high risk of a sharp drop in blood sugar.

What dishes go best with turmeric?
· Fig
· Sauces and sauces
· Tofu
· Vegetables
· Eggs
· Chicken
· Cereals

Source:  https://clavit.com/
