Wicked Human Waste

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Liberal scum are trying to change the way we live.

First off, I just joined this site so I guess I should say hello. HELLO! There, now on to the subjet at hand. I will apologize now for my style of writing. Many people find it annoying as I guess I ramble alot.

When I was a kid in the 1970's, things were different than they are today. Yes, we still had scum bags and assholes running around but even the scum bags and assholes considered themselves Americans. I used to ride with my mom around town as she was doing her shopping and I remember, every time I saw a cop car, I would wave and every time, the cop would wave back at me. People had a sense of pride back then. We were all in the same boat and we all cared for each other.

Today, things are far from what they used to be. We have scum bags and assholes still and instead of calling them scum bags and assholes, let's just call them liberals. Yes, there were liberals back in the day too but back then, they were not radical pieces of garbage trying to rip this country apart.

How is it that these people hate this country so much? When did it snap in their heads that this is not what they wanted in society? Were they bullied in school, did they sniff glue? I have no idea. The thing I do know is that these people want all of the things that I disagree with and they are willing to do anything, even steal an election to get their way.

I guess I am writing this to hear feedback because I just don't understand why these people think and feel the way they do. I can't understand how liberals think murdering a baby as soon as its head pops out of the mother is considered ok. I can't understand why a baby can't just be born and if the mother doesn't want it, put it up for adoption instead of killing it. I do not understand why people think pushing a gay agenda on 1st graders makes any sense. I do not understand why liberals are telling children that they can choose their gender identity at 8 years old.

Liberals are scum in my opinion. I hate them and when I say hate, I mean HATE. I am old enough to understand what hate is and how "strong" of a word that is. These people are trying to destroy this country and unfortunately, it looks like they are making some dents in our lives. When will enough be enough? How long do we sit back and watch them murder our way of life that we care about so much? I guess I should say here that I am not inciting violence, I am just asking questions.

I guess that is the end of my first post. I will be back when I get annoyed again to blather on about other things.=)
