Personal Insight

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The modern world experiences many crises and issues. Many of them can be addressed, reduced, or eliminated through the effective use of economics.

I realized this when studying at school. Since that time, I have decided to get a degree in economics and contribute to the solution of global problems. In addition, my parents told me much about the importance of economics in the life of any country. I listened to their stories and dreamt about my participation in the community life. My interest in economics was intensified by their informative presentation of the events. Hence, I have set academic and professional goals that would encourage me to develop. I am doing my best to pursue them and get my dream education. Thanks to the best concept maps writing service I will get the necessary results.

Unfortunately, I do not have any experience related to the chosen major. However, I seek participation in student organizations and activities that will enable me to develop my knowledge and enable me to carry out researches in the sphere of interest. I have studied many journal articles, online resources, and books that discuss the basics of economics, global economic issues, and related trends. I try to spend at least an hour a day to get new information and improve my current knowledge. I am convinced that participation in research projects will enable me to achieve academic success and become a qualified professional in the future.

Thus, my interest in economics has been sparked by the desire of my parents to explain to me the basic events and activities that happen in the life of our country and by my realization of the role of economics. I am convinced that my current knowledge and desire to learn and get new skills will contribute to my academic success. My lack of experience will not prevent me from achieving my goals since I am ready to obtain new knowledge and study hard
