Neurotropic vitamins in the treatment of back pain

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Complaining of back pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention. To completely relieve a person of discomfort, it is necessary to understand the origin of the disease, as well as the conditions and causes of its occurrence.

There are two main types of back pain: acute and chronic. Since they have different symptoms and speed of development, it is better to consider the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pain separately from each other.(best supplements for back pain)

Acute back pain manifests itself in the region of the spinal column. It is characterized by a short duration - no more than 40 days. This period may include a stage of extremely acute pain (from a day to two days), when the patient feels so bad that he is often physically unable to get up and move on his own.

There are four types of causes that cause acute back pain:

Problems of internal organs not related to the spine (referred pain);
Inflammation or pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves, as well as stenosis of the lumbar spine (LSS);
Specific factors: vertebral fracture, tumors, infection, spondyloarthritis, etc.;
Heavy lifting, physical labor, low mobility, sharp torso bending, etc.

Back pain

Acute discomfort in the region of the spinal column is most often amenable to drug therapy. In most patients (65-70%), acute pain resolves without any treatment within a 20-day period. In 2-6% of cases, episodic back pain develops into a chronic variant of the disease.

Chronic pain is defined when discomfort in the back (lower part) constantly bothers the patient for at least 3 months. If the pain is irregular, then the period for making such a diagnosis is shifted to six months. In situations of discomfort after a 6-month period of calm, one usually speaks of recurrent pain.

Factors that exacerbate back pain and impede its treatment are called “yellow flags”. These include:

Prolonged immobility;
Psychosomatics (stress, anxiety, depressive states, etc.);
radicular pain;
Both excessive and insufficient physical activity;
Incorrect development of the skeleton.
Chronic pain is difficult to treat - in most cases, therapy helps partially or does not affect the course of the disease at all.

neurotropic vitamins

Neurotropic vitamins are understood as B vitamins, which are able to effectively influence the processes occurring in the nervous system. Both complex preparations and injections of a specific vitamin (B1, B6, B12) are common. The medicine effectively relieves pain and reduces sensitivity. Despite the fact that the analgesic properties of B vitamins have not been fully proven, preparations based on them are now used everywhere. There are several reasons for this:

Refusal of patients to take NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) due to a negative reaction of the gastrointestinal tract;
The impossibility of carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures due to the immobility of the patient or individual contraindications;
The absence of a visible therapeutic effect when taking other painkillers.
Neurotropic B vitamins
Thiamine (B1).
According to available data, vitamin B1 is able to relieve pain for short periods of time, remove numbness, burning and tingling sensations, and also normalize body temperature. Thiamine is quite well tolerated, without provoking the occurrence of side effects.

Pyridoxine (B6).
Most often, vitamin B6 is used to treat pain in tunnel neuropathy (the disease affects the arms, legs, neck, torso). A pronounced effect of pyridoxine is observed in about half of patients who regularly receive injections of B6. In case of an overdose of the drug (the recommended dose is 200 mg per day), sensory polyneuropathy can occur - multiple damage to the nerves of the limbs.

Cyanocobalamin (B12).
Cyanocobalamin has been used as an anesthetic since the middle of the last century. It has been scientifically proven that vitamin B12 significantly reduces pain and positively affects motor functions.

Vitamin B12

It almost completely relieves patients of burning sensation and chilliness, and also reduces neuropathic pain.

Complex preparations of vitamins of group B.
Treatment with a complex of B vitamins is much more effective than monotherapy with thiamine, pyridoxine or cyanocobalamin. In about 80% of cases, the condition of patients who received injections of the complex drug improved significantly. Patients with polyneuropathy also note the high effectiveness of treatment. A pronounced relief of pain syndrome is observed in 48-50% of people suffering from back pain. There were no negative reactions to complex preparations of group B, they are well tolerated.

NSAIDs for pain 

in back
NSAIDs is an acronym for a group of medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs not only relieve inflammation, but also have the ability to reduce fever and anesthetize. In addition to the treatment of neuralgia, this group of drugs is also used to combat diseases of the joints and extra-articular tissues, postoperative pain, migraine attacks, degenerative diseases, infections of the upper respiratory tract, lumbago, renal colic, etc.

Despite a significant reduction in the intensity of back pain and the restoration of the patient's performance, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a number of side effects:

From the digestive tract: vomiting, stomach and duodenal ulcers, indigestion, heaviness in the abdomen, gastrointestinal bleeding;
From the side of the kidneys: nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, atypical inflammation of the kidneys;
From the side of the cardiovascular system: a violation of blood clotting, myocardial infarction, stroke, thrombosis of peripheral arteries;
Other: increased liver enzymes, headache, incoordination, dizziness, confusion, increased blood pressure.
To minimize negative reactions and make NSAIDs more effective, NSAIDs are combined with neurotropic vitamins. The addition of B vitamins to the therapeutic scheme allows you to reduce the dosage of NSAIDs and thereby reduce the risk of side effects.

