Let's end Economic Slavery

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Slavery is when any man or woman uses his/her power or position to extort money from you, imprison you or force you to do something, without Due Process. Due Process is NOTICE and an opportunity to be heard and defend yourself. The attacking party must answer all written demurrers in wri

I have decided to dedicate my life to freeing humankind from the economic slavery imposed by governments worldwide, that, under the guise of 'Executive Orders' declare STATES of Emergency  which result in the People (useless eaters) being processed in pseudo military hearings under 'martial law rule' and summary procedures (all oral)
I filed a Petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to end economic slavery and criminal behavior by government 'public servants'.
A case number was assigned.
I did not pay a filing fee. 
Instead I filed a memo of law explaining, why, under, simple equity, none was required.
The clerk, without any authority whatsoever, effectively shut down my case by 'ruling' on the documents !!!
This is un-rebutted evidence that victims of government terrorism, in the present fraudulent Matrix,  have no true redress in the court system... in the STATE of Florida in the former 'USA'.
Despite the ODDs I will continue to persevere.
Bruce Toski
Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA
850 792-6535

