What use can we make of scrap?

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Vehicles scrapped parts, household appliances, machinery, factory scrapping remains, demolition remains, etc., are collected in a junkyard. But, what is done with the scrap received in the junkyards? Scrap yards receive and classify all these materials to redirect them to recycling and reu

What is the scrap collected in the scrap yard used for?

Well, there are many uses, and these will depend on the type of scrap metal: type of metal (ferrous or non-ferrous); if it is electronic scrap; scrap from household appliances or air conditioners that must follow a scrapping procedure to properly remove the cooling systems; scrap from the car and vehicle scrapping; etc. Also, prices vary from state to state, so you should always check scrap metal prices.


Here we highlight the main uses of scrap metal

One of the most important uses at the level of quantity and economic importance is the processing of metal scrap to recover metal: ferrous metals (iron and steel) are a particularly important case since more than 45% of the steel used at the industrial level comes from ferrous scrap recycling.

Another metal that is particularly important from the recycling point of view is copper from electrical appliances and demolition sites. The main materials from non-ferrous scrap metals include copper, aluminum, tin, lead, zinc, and nickel.

Electronic scrap and its reuse and recycling have become essential for maintaining current production and consumption levels in technology. All the components of an electronic device contain many elements that can be recycled if processed correctly: batteries, circuits, electronic boards, capacitors containing nickel, tantalum, and niobium (components of the much-appreciated coltan).

Use scrap to save on raw materials. The process of recycling and subsequent reuse of materials from scrap metal represents a significant saving in energy, water, and raw materials compared to obtaining these materials from mines or quarries.

Using scrap to improve environmental quality. The recycling of scrap metal means reducing the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. It contributes to the controlled recycling of waste that is potentially hazardous to the environment, and that is not released into the environment.


In summary, we can say that scrap has three fundamental uses:

  1. To reuse materials.
  2. To make production processes sustainable.
  3. To preserve environmental quality.

