Full Form of ALU, What is the Full form of ALU ?

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The Full form of ALU is Arithmetic Logic Unit. An ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is a digital circuit in a computer processor used to perform arithmetic and logic operations

It is the most essential component of a computer's CPU (Central Processing Unit). ALUs on modern CPUs are complicated and powerful. Full f In addition to ALUs, modern CPUs have a CU (control unit). The majority of a CPU's operations are performed by one or more ALUs, which load data from input registers.

A register is a little amount of storage available in a CPU. The control unit tells the Arithmetic Logic Unit what to do with the data, and the (Full form of alu) saves the result in an output register. In addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division are examples of arithmetic operations since it conducts basic arithmetic and logic operations.

Transistor switches are used to modify binary numbers since a switch can only have two states: open or closed. An open transistor is a 0 that has no current flowing through it. A closed transistor is one that has a current flowing through it.
