16 June 2019 - A Dream on a Flight Trip to … Heaven!

I had a dream seeing myself in a small plane with a few other Christians. And that pilot in a complete white suit was announcing a granted flight trip to Paris!

16 June 2019 - A Dream on a Flight Trip to … Heaven! 

I had a dream like I saw myself in a small plane with a few other Christians. And that pilot in a complete white suit (that I later recognised as an angel of the Lord!) was announcing a granted flight trip to Paris! He was controlling the aircraft until suddenly, he revealed to us that we had to stop at an unknown place for a short break, before reaching our final destination… Immediately, we arrived, it was such a stunning place! Even words could not describe the amazing atmosphere right there, but I could describe it as shining blue crystal sea water like glass all around us full of white angels!!

A place of wonder, of vivid brilliance, of vast expanse, of transparency and lucid purity, out of description!!! Then I found myself with the other Christians already in bath suits swimming cheerfully and joyfully looking around this breathtaking blue area never seen before! I remember while the pilot was sitting on the edge of that swimming ‘sea’, watching over us with his smiling shining face, I asked him about the name of this place. But he smiled without saying anything... As if with his smile he was saying: “just enjoy the moment of your swimming, and remember that foretaste for the time being!” Then he urged us to get onboard again to reach Paris, our final destination… But I woke up, without attaining Paris! 

In my heart, I knew that place was ‘Heaven’ and the pilot was an angel! It was indeed a foretaste of the Kingdom of God, and how that part of it looks like, the place where we’re going to live, Amen! That reminds me of Revelation 4:6 “Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal,” where it’s impossible to describe with earthly words.

So Father, I thank You for this indescribable glimpse of heaven, our future eternal place with Jesus our King. I thank You for Your tender mercies and loving kindness. I thank You that You are the eternal and immutable God Whose plans and purposes can never fail.

I thank You for the Cross of Christ and His glorious Resurrection, which secured for us an eternal inheritance, by faith. I pray that all I say and do would give glory to You and that one day I may cast my crown before His feet. Thank you for all Your goodness and grace to me and to all brethren. This I pray in Jesus' wonderful name, AMEN.
