What writers live on?

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Is it possible to provide for a family at the expense of royalties and how to overcome the fear of a blank slate

I would like to say that this article is suitable for students who are looking for a profession or a part-time job, as well as people who are just looking for themselves.
Now, in order to publish your book, you only need access to the Internet, and to print it, you need money for circulation and editing. Below you will find my writing history.
Writer's corner
For me, the main advantage of writing is the absence of the fear of losing a job, which is present in probably 80% of people today. I can live on my own schedule and not work for an uncle who can easily ruin your mood. For a long time I had a permanent job in my specialty, I had to go to it every weekday, stay there from morning to evening, but then I quit. I also taught psychology at universities and worked in a psychiatric examination as a clinical psychologist. Now I also have a job that I do for money, in addition to creativity. Mostly copywriting and editing. I write articles for the essaypay service, this is a super service where you can find help on absolutely any project (essay for admission, term paper or any research paper). You can also get into a grant project: you rent an office, select a team for yourself, and work on a project. Grant salaries come a couple of times a year, but these are salaries for several months at once. In five years, I had 16 such projects.
I have a writer's corner at home. A comfortable chair and a laptop are enough for me, next to it is a coffee table, and on it there can be a glass of red wine and a bowl of nuts.
Now I work as an editor on a project, we have an office, I have my own place, a comfortable desk and a corner where no one bothers me. But I am glad that I am allowed to do my work remotely from time to time. For creativity in the office, I even have a separate table, because I have that in the workplace I can only do editing, copywriting and accounting.
But I can also write in a cafe, and it doesn’t have to be a small establishment with secluded tables, a food court in a shopping center is quite suitable. In any cafe I can find a more or less cozy place for myself, some kind of sofa on the periphery, from time to time I order coffee and work. The noise around does not distract at all, on the contrary, I like it when people walk around with whom I don’t need to communicate at all.
Professionalism Percentage
In many countries there is no concept of the profession "writer", and many do not even consider the creation of works as work. For example, my friends and relatives who sit in offices think that I am some kind of loafer. In general, the members of my family - practical people - for a long time treated my occupation with distrust. I remember when I received the first fee for the book, my husband looked at me very strangely, apparently he did not expect it. An adult son treats my work in much the same way. But at some point, the relatives waved their hand and accepted everything as it was.
Only 15% of writers were able to bring their books to readers and achieve something
Almost all of my friends are writers, although in our environment there is also rivalry, competition, as in any other profession. We have something to share - grants for the publication of books, scholarships, literary awards. But smart and talented people, though difficult in personal terms, compete, therefore rivalry does not interfere with mutual respect.
Deadline is scarier than a clean slate
I know that writers often complain about creative stagnation, the fear of a blank slate, but it's hard for me to say anything about it. I always motivate myself to work, even if I don’t feel like it at all. It seems to me that problems with motivation, the inability to write a single line - it's all far-fetched. Although I understand that there are different types of people, I am still convinced that a professional will sit down and work. If a person needs to submit a book to a publisher, an article or a column, he will sit down and write, because there is no choice. It's like, for example, for an accountant to submit reports on time.
Motivation can be found anywhere. Personally, meetings with readers are very motivating for me, sometimes even suggesting what book will be next. Of course, it helps to constantly work and the fact that books are published, sold, then you see them in stores. True, when I read readers' reviews, some of them become amazing stimuli for creativity, while others make me want to cry.
By the way, with regard to finances, I noticed one interesting pattern: when you are completely broke, money suddenly comes from somewhere unexpectedly. Someone offers to earn extra money, the publisher answers, which I completely forgot about. In general, a certain amount of money appears, but just enough to reach the nearest income that you are counting on.
