Frenzied Agarus Monster Location - Borea's Domain

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As you enter the next part of Lost Ark Gold the area in the next area, you'll meet the Evil Legion Commander. He has around 10,000 health He is extremely hard to hit, and usually has at least one mini-boss level monster So be cautious. At lower levels, it's hard to beat.

Frenzied Agarus Monster Location - Borea's Domain

Travel south from Galatur's Forge. When you come to an extensive area, head to the south exit. The area will thin out, just prior to the broken cart to the right of the route and you'll find the Frenzied Agarus.

Frenzied Imp Mage Monster Location - Borea's Domain

Make your way to the south from Galatur's Forge, and into the southwest corner of the region below, from where a path runs west to the northwest corner of Borea's Domain. You can climb the stairs to the northern corner and go towards the left from the top. The corner is the spawn point for the Frenzied Imp Mage.

Giant Black Rose Spider Monster Location - Blackrose Chapel

Then, from the Styxia Village Triport, leave the cheap Lost Ark Gold village via the north gate and head right at the fork. Follow the route you're on towards Leyar Terrace Portal. Leyar Terrace Portal and you are likely to encounter The Giant Black Rose Spider, with a huge carcass to the left side of the road.
