What is the backend of the site written on?

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What is the backend of the site written on?

If you have been interested in the process of developing websites or applications for mobile devices, then you have certainly heard about the frontend (frontend) and backend (backend). But what is it, what are they responsible for and why are they needed?

Client and server parts of the site
The site is divided into two parts: the front end, which is also known as the client side, and the backend or server side. Everything that the user sees on the screen, including the interface, images, text and with which he can interact, is the frontend part.

The backend is a kind of brain of the site that receives information, data and HTTP requests from the client side, processes them and performs the appropriate actions. Backend is a part of the resource invisible to the user, which is located on a remote server and ensures the smooth operation of the site.

For greater clarity, we can draw an analogy with an ordinary restaurant. The hall, tables and an order reception desk or a bar counter are the frontend, with which the client directly interacts. Kitchen, utility rooms - backend. All the processes taking place in the kitchen are invisible to the client, but the speed and taste of the dish served depends on the well-coordinated work of this part of the restaurant. Waiters are the link between the frontend and the backend, passing requests from the user to the server and vice versa. Even despite all the attractiveness and stylish design of the hall, a restaurant cannot operate without a well-functioning kitchen. Therefore, the backend is so important, which ensures the functioning of the site, is responsible for the logic, speed and uninterrupted operation of its operation, storage and processing of data.

Creating a backend
Development of the backend is considered to be a more difficult task compared to the creation of the frontend part, including because of the need for deep knowledge of programming languages ​​and architecture. To speed up and simplify the work, back-end developers use frameworks, which are a kind of skeleton or a ready-made structure of the server part of the site with a large set of tools, functions and data. Consider the most popular frameworks that are used to create the server parts of sites. If you need backend developers, please contact https://fireart.studio/hire-backend-web-developers/

The Laravel PHP framework has become popular with many American and European developers in a short time, thanks to Eloquent's object-relational mapping and the ability to connect many options for additional components. This framework implements the Blade template engine, and also provides the ability to automatically load classes, which allows developers to refuse to manually include files and load unused components. The advantages of Laravel include the Artisan command line interface, which simplifies the mechanism for working with integrated commands and opens up the possibility of creating your own, simple syntax and convenient built-in mechanisms. The framework is equipped with an impressive list of features that speed up and improve the work of programmers. And thanks to the migration system, the process of deploying and updating the created products is greatly simplified. The disadvantages of Laravel include the lack of user documentation in Russian, compatibility issues between different versions of the framework, inconvenient location of directories and files.

Ruby on Rails
The Ruby on Rails framework, also known as RoR, is written in the Ruby dynamic programming language. The main advantage of this framework is its high development speed and clear syntax, thanks to which developers can easily read code written even by third-party specialists and create Internet resources. At the disposal of programmers is a huge database of ready-made templates, plugins and technical documentation that helps in programming the back-end part of the site. When working with this framework, a high degree of project security is ensured. Together with a large set of built-in tools, RoR also boasts a good automated testing system that allows you to quickly debug a program, identify and fix errors. The disadvantages of the framework include the difficulty in learning, the difficult process of deploying and starting in production, and a much smaller number of specialists compared to PHP and Java developers.

The Django framework simplifies the work of Python programmers, has a huge standard library and additional features that speed up the process of writing code. Django provides routing and an excellent template engine, scalability, admin panel, database migration, simplified user authentication system. This framework is quite flexible and multifunctional. It sets the structure of the entire project, which helps specialists navigate it better and faster. Another advantage of this framework is a high level of security. Django is a monolithic framework with a huge community but relatively slow development. Another disadvantage is the joint deployment of components, the complexity of adapting Django ORM.

The open source Node.js platform runs in V8 and uses the popular JavaScript language. This allows you to write both the server and client parts of the resource in the same language. The framework fully works with various databases, has a large toolkit, copes with a serious load and demonstrates good speed. In addition to the built-in library, the framework supports the connection of external modules and packages that you can create yourself. Node.js is one of the most popular platforms, it is actively used by Google, Microsoft, Ebay, Uber and other world-famous corporations. Thanks to such popularity and a huge army of users, the framework continues to actively develop and improve. But at the same time, it is not without its shortcomings. Among them is the lack of basic tools and libraries, many alternative options for which developers have to try out for themselves. The JavaScript language is relatively difficult to learn, and accordingly, learning Node.js can be difficult.

There is no ideal framework for all tasks, and in each case it is necessary to choose the most appropriate framework and programming language. Fireart Studio specialists understand all of these frameworks and will be able to choose the best solution for your project. Contact us to get advice and recommendations regarding the development of a website for your needs.
