What kind of project topics can be assigned to schoolchildren?

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What kind of project topics can be assigned to schoolchildren?

More often, however, project topics, especially those recommended by educational authorities, relate to some practical topics, such as the need to use student help services such as edusharky in a format relevant to practical life and learning. In this way, a quite natural integration of knowledge is achieved. For example, a very acute problem of cities is pollution for example, a very acute problem in cities is environmental pollution by household waste. The problem: how to achieve complete recycling of all waste? There's ecology, chemistry, biology. biology, sociology, physics. Or: Cinderella, Snow White in fairy tales of the peoples of the world.

This problem is for younger students. And how much searching, ingenuity and creativity is required of children! Themes for the projects - an inexhaustible set. This is a lively creativity that cannot be regulated in any way. The results of the completed projects must be tangible, that is, properly designed (a video film, an album, a travel log, a computer newspaper, an almanac). In the course of solving any project problem, students have to involve knowledge and skills from different physics, foreign and native languages. An interesting experience of using the project method has been accumulated In secondary school № 2 with an artistic and aesthetic profile.

This school, which has the status The school has the status of a laboratory school of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social This school has the status of a laboratory school of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. High school students take an active part in research and project work, mainly focused on the restoration of monuments of The most serious real projects include the restoration of architectural monuments of republican and regional significance. Among the most serious real projects - art history and historical research on restoration of a residential estate in the archaeological museum-reserve a project to restore a Greek church.

A particular success for students working under the guidance of experienced teachers brought the project of restoration of the church in 2022. Professors of the Academy of Architecture and Arts and design organizations took part in the competition, but the jury awarded the 1st place to the students. Such a unique case of school creativity was reflected even on the pages of the Of undoubted interest is also the experience of The experience of Moscow school 1004, where the project method is widely used by the teacher of mathematics. In this school the first examination was held in the form of In 1997 this school for the first time held an exam in geometry in grade 9 in the form of a project work. The following requirements were imposed on the work: - a large volume of program material; - an increased degree of complexity; - the content of the work should go beyond the school curriculum.

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