Diablo 2: Resurrected players who want to play the legendary action RPG

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In order to summon uber-Diablo, the Jordan Stone is required buy d2r items. This is a particularly strong, unique ring. With a bit of luck, this drops in the difficulty levels Nightmare and Hell. Andariel on Nightmare difficulty has one of the best chances of dropping the ring.

However, you cannot keep the ring to trigger the world event. Instead, you must sell it to a merchant. If you play offline, the world event is automatically triggered by selling a single Jordan stone.

A popular choice when fighting uber-Diablo is a smiter, a paladin who specializes in the Smite ability. With a little patience and enough preparation, however, all other characters can also make it.

Most importantly, you have the Prevent Monster Heal effect, otherwise uber-Diablo can heal faster than you deal damage. The easiest way to prevent the healing is to use the Slash runeword. Socket the runes Tir + Tal + Amn in a bow with three sockets and give this bow to the mercenary from act 1.

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