Let Freedom Breathe!

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Important Information for Pennsylvanians In Need of Mask Relief


Good news for the mask oppressed citizens of Pennsylvania and your humbled noses yearning to breathe free.

There is an easily used exemption to Pa's Universal Face Coverings Order. It requires no state filing or application and no visit to your doctor.

Follow the link below to the official document issued by Secretary of Health Rachel Levine. Reference Section 3 Parts A and B. Part A grants exceptions to individuals who cannot wear a mask due to a medical condition. Part B states that "Individuals are not required to show documentation that an exception applies."

So, if a Pennsylvania resident is confronted for not wearing a mask, they need only to declare that it is due to a medical condition. They are under no obligation to prove this.

It is that simple.

However, if you do wish to be more specific, there is a real medical condition called Hypercapnia that can occur from rebreathing our own exhaled CO2. Rebreathing CO2 can lead to increased blood pressure, headaches, muscle twitches, rapid heart rate, chest pain, confusion, and fatigue. In extreme cases, if left untreated, hypercapnia can lead to organ damage and even have long standing effects on the brain. So, "I have hypercapnia." 'Nuff said.

The official document is available from the link below. Print a copy and carry it with you. Present it proudly when confronted by merchants, police officers, or any self-entitled demanding "Karen" that confronts you.

Here is a link to the official face mask document. Reference Section 3 Parts A and B

Let Freedom Breathe Pennsylvania!


Buddy Walker
