A community just makes WOW WoTLK Classic

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I am unsure how it is in EU because im in NA but the RP and RPvP realms tend to have much better communities.

Afterwards, I moved again to one of WOW WOTLK Classic Gold the smallest lands in EU and it is so much different here. Many would say the kingdom feels dead and frankly, they're not wrong, but the feeling of neighborhood is definitely there. If a person comes in and asks for a guild, literally everyone can tell you what guilds are great for what kind of player. There is always someone helping someone on trade chat and there is just generally a very good atmosphere here compared to larger realms.

I wholeheartedly suggest that you have a jab at a few other realms and find out how they feel in contrast, because I can almost guarantee you that most realms will probably be better compared to Draenor. You can use something similar to this site to roughly gauge the realm size. This is highly inaccurate because it only takes in to account part of the playerbase on any given kingdom, but it is going to give you a sense on what is a large and what's a small kingdom. In addition to that, RP realms, barring Argent Dawn, are in my experience usually more favorable than non-RP lands.

Definitely having a look. I would much prefer a more compact pop and much better experience to a huge pop and bad experience. I am unsure how it is in EU because im in NA but the RP and RPvP realms tend to have much better communities, even if you don't intend on RPing. Some of my buddies insisted on playing on Illidan to get BFA since thats the realm all of the huge pve guilds and competitive WOW players are around. After a couple months I needed to transfer back into ED, a community just makes WOW WoTLK Classic 1000x better.

As for guilds, do not bother linking those junk inviting or always spamming in exchange with almost 1k members because yea that's all you'll get people who aren't really looking for a guild but only want a small network. If you check the forums or wowprogress or perhaps on here you can still find guilds which are a fantastic community. Finding the right server and server is what makes WOW WoTLK Classic click and eventually become truly amazing, do not let the negativity in some places make buy WOTLK Classic Gold give up!
