Why Bird Netting is the Top Choice for Pigeon Control

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Are you having a problem with pigeons in London?

Wondering why pigeon control is important? Are you having a problem with pigeons in London and don’t know what to do?  Are you trying to find a company but not sure what solution you require? This article breaks down one of the best options that once implemented by a pigeon control London expert, will help get rid of these unwanted guests.

Pigeons are such a common sight in London that the majority of residents aren't bothered by them. There may be pigeons in London, which is fine if you're on vacation and want to take the perfect picture. Having pigeons roost in your yard is too close for comfort.

If left unchecked, pigeons can cause significant damage to any roof, gutter, balcony, or drain that is accessible. Not to mention the fact that their droppings contain deadly viruses, making them potentially harmful. Pigeons pose a health and safety risk to commercial property owners, which could have a negative impact on the bottom line.

Since pigeons are trained to return to their nests every night, you can almost always count on them to remain in the same location for many generations. Fortunately, pigeons can be deterred from using humane and efficient bird control methods, such as bird netting, to keep birds out of your yard.

A reputable pigeon control London company offers and installs bird netting in commercial and residential buildings throughout London. For additional bird proofing options, such as spikes and falconry, they have a wide range of humane pigeon control techniques. Ultimately, making it important to hire a professional for pigeon control. Most of these deterrents cannot be installed by an amateur as they require specialist tools and equipment.

Understanding Bird Netting

Pigeon netting is used to prevent pigeons and other nuisance birds from perching and nesting. It is extensively employed in cities such as London because it is a long-term, effective pigeon control approach.

Polyethene wire, a strong and fireproof material, is the most common material for bird netting. It's available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours. It is available in a variety of mesh sizes that are weather and UV-resistant depending on the species of bird or birds that need to be discouraged. Using high-quality steel fittings, it is held in place by a tight barrier that is stretched out.

Pigeons and other pest birds can be kept at bay by attaching netting to roofs, fascia, ledges, gutters, and chimneys. Netting is particularly suited to balcony openings, lightwells and recesses where pigeons love to roost and nets.

How effective are bird nettings?

It is extremely effective and one of the most often used methods to control pigeons. Bird netting is used to deter pigeons from perching on rooftops by creating a taut mesh barrier. Additionally, it's used to keep pigeons out of buildings. Due to the widespread use of bird netting in London, pigeons and other birds have learned to avoid it. Pigeons are tenacious creatures, but cities like London and other large ones like it offer so many other places for them to settle down that they will eventually give up trying to land on netting.

Bird netting is a deterrence method of pigeon control; it cannot be used to control an established infestation. Professional pigeon control London firms offer humane bird control methods, including falconry.

Upon certainty that the building has been cleared of pigeons, they will offer the expertise they have on the most effective preventative bird control measures for you, such as netting and spikes. This is because prevention is just as important as treatment.

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Bird netting is a safe option

Because bird netting is not designed to trap or hunt pigeons, it is safe if it is installed by a pigeon control London expert. If you want to control pigeons then they can recommend nets of a specific type and gauge for your property.

If your bird netting isn't properly installed by an expert, it could be harmful to smaller birds. Pigeon control London specialists employ humane pest control methods to ensure that no animals suffer. In order to protect birds, they take great care to ensure that they use the right netting and that they have the necessary expertise and training to do so. Pigeon netting if installed correctly can prevent pigeons from entering a particular area on a permanent basis as long as the netting is not damaged.

Pigeon Netting Benefits

Pigeons and seagulls are common pest birds that damage property and frequently spread disease. However, bird netting is the best option if you are concerned about bird safety because it prevents birds from roosting on structures.

Bird netting is nearly unnoticeable and preserves a building's appearance. The netting is nearly invisible from afar. Long-lasting and weatherproof, the nets should safeguard a building for years. Anti-bird netting is popular for these reasons. Netting is normally the first solution to be proposed as it is the most effective out of all of the different solutions available on the market.

Installing Bird and Pigeon Nets Have Many Advantages:

  • Safeguarding against pigeons and other bird species without harming the birds
  • Unobtrusive in terms of appearance
  • Weatherproof
  • Durable
  • More than one perching spot could be covered by a single system.