Lost Ark's horizontal progression will know that traveling time

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If the player wants to save a different location over the existing one then they'll need to wait for a few minutes as there's an expiration date before a fresh location is saved Cheap Lost Ark Gold in that same slot as well.

Anyone who has invested a significant amount of time into Lost Ark Gold's horizontal progression will know that traveling time is the biggest time drain. If a player is working through Yorn's Story and wishes to finish working on the Anikka Adventure Tome, they must traverse two oceans. Of course, all the different Mounts aid in reducing the time required and there are also the Ocean Liners as well as the Portal Statues users can join their Song of Return to, however, there are major disadvantages to each.

Mounts aren't able to cross the ocean, Ocean Liners drain Silver in a flurry, and the Song of Return has a long cooldown. So what's the best way for players to travel around the map in search of collectibles like the Mokoko Seeds or make it before Tooki Island? Well, with the Bifrost of course, Lost Ark's very own rainbow bridge teleporter.

What is The Bifrost and How Does It Function?

The Bifrost is basically an inherent Teleporting ability that everyone has within Lost Ark that players can define points for. According to Norse Mythology, the Bifrost was a bridge of rainbows connecting with the world of Gods and the world of men, and that's sort of the message behind its usage within Lost Ark, given characters such as Beatrice and realms like Trixion. It's basically a means for players to get across Arkesia fast enough to ensure that they're not ever a minute or two late to a schedule event or event listed on the map.

For now, to utilize it, all you have to do is press Alt+W (by default) and it opens the Bifrost menu. After that, when they're in a location that they'd like to save and then teleport to later then they simply click the "Save Location" button that appears in the menu. When they decide to teleport back, it's as you'd expect, all they have to do is click on the "Teleport" button for that saved place in the Bifrost Menu, pay the small fee of Silver, and they're taken right back.

Are There any drawbacks?

While the Bifrost is a lot more user-friendly than the Song of Return, they actually have a major drawback. After a place has been moved to using the Bifrost, it is put on cooldown for a period of one hour. If the player wants to save a different location over the existing one then they'll need to wait for a few minutes as there's an expiration date before a fresh location is saved Cheap Lost Ark Gold in that same slot as well.
