Stages of designing software products

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The main stages of designing software products

Hire software development

  1. Preparation of technical specifications for programming
    The stage of analysis and specification of programs, the life cycle of software products. When compiling a technical task, it is required:

determine the platform of the program being developed - the type of operating system;
determine the need to develop a program that can be ported to different platforms;
choose methods for solving the problem;
develop a generalized algorithm for solving a set of problems, the functional structure of the algorithm or the composition of objects;
determine the requirements for the complex of technical means of the information processing system, the end user interface.

2. Technical project
At this stage, a complex of the most important works is carried out, namely:

taking into account the accepted approach to designing a software product, a detailed data processing algorithm is developed or the composition of objects and their properties, processing methods, events that trigger processing methods are specified;
the composition of the system-wide software is determined, including the basic tools;
the internal structure of the software product is developed, formed by individual software modules;
the choice of tools for developing software modules is carried out.
The work of this stage largely depends on the decisions made on the technical part of the data processing system and the operating environment, on the selected tools for designing algorithms and programs, and on the technology of work.


3. Working documentation (working draft)
At this stage, the adaptation of the basic software tools (operating system, DBMS, end-user tool environments - text editors, spreadsheets, etc.) is carried out. The development of program modules or methods for processing objects is carried out - the actual programming or the creation of program code. Autonomous and complex debugging of the software product, testing of the functionality of software modules and basic software are carried out. For complex debugging, a test case is prepared, which allows you to check the compliance of the software product capabilities with the specified specifications.

The main result of the work of this stage is the creation of operational documentation for the software product, including:

description of the application - gives a general description of the software product, indicating the scope of its application, requirements for basic software, a set of hardware;
user manual - includes a detailed description of the functionality and technology of working with the software product. This type of documentation is focused on the end user and contains the necessary information for independent development and normal operation of the user (taking into account the required qualifications of the user);
programmer's (operator's) manual - indicates the features of the installation (installation) of the software product and its internal structure - the composition and purpose of the modules, the rules for operating and ensuring the reliable and high-quality operation of the software product.
In some cases, at this stage, training systems, demo versions, hypertext help systems are created for software products of mass use.
