Professional License Terms

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he applicant obtains the required score in the tests according to the applicant’s educational rank, as the degree of passing the test varies for each grade of the job hierarchy.

Professional License Terms
Obtaining a professional license and practicing the profession in one of the different disciplines or scientific fields requires the application of a number of conditions for the teacher, which are:

الرخصه المهنيه

It is necessary for the applicant to obtain a professional license to have a bachelor's degree in one of the educational disciplines as a minimum.

The applicant must pass the general and specialized exams, not just one of them.

Pay all the prescribed fees for registering or renewing the professional license test for graduates for the first time.

For applicants to renew or upgrade their professional license, the conditions for years of experience must be observed.

Follow the professional license procedures found on the electronic system and commit to submitting a professional license electronically only.

The applicant obtains the required score in the tests according to the applicant’s educational rank, as the degree of passing the test varies for each grade of the job hierarchy.

Professional License Exam Requirements
There are a number of information that must be taken into account in order to register for a professional license, and these information are:

The professional license exams are divided into two parts, general educational exams, and specialized exams in one of 37 majors.

For each of the tests, a passing score must be achieved by the applicant for each test separately in order to obtain the professional license, otherwise it will not be obtained even if he passes one test at a rate higher than the required total.

Advantages of professional licensing exams
The professional license provides a number of advantages that the teacher needs in order to advance the level of students, and these advantages are:

Motivating male and female teachers for professional development and self-learning.

Raising the ability and efficiency of teachers in performance.

Assisting the teacher in applying professional and educational standards in different disciplines.

Maintaining the appropriate level for male and female teachers, which is commensurate with the professional standards set by the concerned bodies.
