World of Warcraft WOTLK Classic players will eventually

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Players should be able to locate the secret treasure that is marked by the map. To find The Secret Treasure at Death's End the player will have to be in the building at 74.7. 62.6 near the site of the Maldraxxi invasion .

Although not too difficult, long labyrinthine pathways that open WOTLK Gold can be confusing. The players will want to search for the treasure as it is usually a source of powerful loot.

Here's how to get The Secret Treasure in Death's End in Revendreth in World of Warcraft: World of Warcraft WOTLK Classic.

Players should be able to locate the secret treasure that is marked by the map. To find The Secret Treasure at Death's End the player will have to be in the building at 74.7. 62.6 near the site of the Maldraxxi invasion .

They will then interact with an Cracked Crate. This will appear among a pile of other items.Once the Crate has been broken up, it'll reveal the valve. The players must touch the valve to unlock a secret door to the right. Players should then head for the tunnel. They'll need to fight some Maldraxxi Defectors, as well as other enemies as they journey through the tunnel.

Players need to make a right-hand turn, and then a left to get down the stairs. After the first 3 sets players will need to make a left turn and then enter the door located to cheap WOW WOTLK Classic Gold the left of the wall. There is a Secret Treasure can be found at 74.1. 61.9 behind this door.
