My Glory is Imminent!

Get ready My called-out ones, draw close to Me and I will draw closer to you as a sign that My Glory is imminent! I will display in the heavens a phenomenon that has not been seen or noticed by men before; it will be reported in the news, says the Lord!

This is a powerful message for the Body of Christ, from an American sister, Dr Patricia Green, who has had a revelation and visions from the Lord on 16 August 2022.

Please read the message, it’s intended to be for ALL OF US!

Jesus said: Child, something far greater than the book of Acts is upon the world. In the book of Acts, I chose certain men to pour out My Power for signs, wonders and miracles. Now I am pouring out My Spirit on all flesh, ordinary men, women and children and babies will manifest My Power through signs, wonders and miracles. Even a baby who cannot talk will usher in healing and deliverance, for this outpouring is not about words but about My Presence, says the Lord.

God will be the long-wordy prayers of healing and deliverance. It will be My Presence who sets the captives free, heals the sick, raises the dead and cleanses the leper,” says the Lord. “The whole earth will see the Glory of the Lord. This will happen in Israel as well and great salvation will come to the Jews, those who are stuck and entrenched in kabbalism will resist. But the ordinary Jews will receive Yeshua as their Saviour. They will not be able to deny the signs, wonders and miracles happening amongst them.


Even now I am softening the hearts of many in and around the world. A black veil will be lifted off the Muslim people and they also will embrace Yeshua as their Saviour. Those whose hearts that are deeply hardened will remain, hardened like Pharaoh. The tender hearted who desire truth will see My salvation, says the Lord of Hosts.

Then the Lord said: I have marked My Army for the battle to come against the lies of satan and his demons. I have chosen you for such a time as this to be a part of My Great End-Time Army for this great harvest of souls. Before you left heaven as a spirit and a soul and you entered your mother's womb, I chose you to do great exploits for Me, says the Lord. “You are set apart and you have known since you were a young child that you were different at that time in your early years. You did not understand why you were different, you just knew you were and now I am here to tell you the reason: You have been called, and chosen, and made ready to be a part of My army, says the Lord of Hosts.

To some who are hearing this message you are weeping, knowing this message is for you. Hold on My called-out ones, the turbulence that is coming will be short-lived and then you will see the GLORY of the Lord. This GLORY will be none like the world has ever seen before. So you will have no reference point! I want it that way. I am tired of the fakes and the phonies who try to replicate My Power for the sake of gain, and they will not have a part of this GREAT GLORY of Mine no matter how hard they try. I know the hearts of men and I know those who are TRULY MY SERVANTS! My servants will shine like the noon-day sun with My Glory, and they will not take any of My Glory for themselves, nor will they receive any praises of men, but they will direct people to praise God their Saviour! Says the Lord.

Get ready My called-out ones, draw close to Me and I will draw closer to you as a sign that My Glory is imminent! I will display in the heavens a phenomenon that has not been seen or noticed by men before, it will be reported in the news, says the Lord!

And blessed be His glorious name forever!

And let the whole earth be filled with His glory.

Amen and Amen. Psalm 72:19

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!
