Minimize best campfire songs With These Tips

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It is an unfortunate fact that there are approximately 60 million people who suffer


It is an unfortunate fact that there are best campfire songs 60 million people who suffer from some kind of seasonal nasal allergy. The most common culprits are pollen and airborne mold spores. If you are reading this article chances are you are among the sufferers. You know all to well the common symptoms such as the runny nose, watery eyes and itchy throat. Some people have mild symptoms while others have more severe symptoms which prevents them from being able to enjoy the different seasons. In fact, many allergy sufferers dread seasonal changes for this reason. In this article I am going to give you some tips on how to reduce your outdoor seasonal allergy symptoms.

If your symptoms are mild then one thing you can do to help is to take an over the counter allergy medication. There are many different brands available. You will need to make sure you read the directions carefully because some of these medications will make you drowsy or have other side effects associated with them. It is always a good idea to ask your physician or local pharmacist about any medication you take particularly if you are already taking any other medicines.

Track the pollen count in your area. If the pollen count is high then try to stay inside. When you have to be outside try to plan your outdoor activities later in the day. Pollen and mold counts are the highest from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Wearing a particle mask and sunglasses will also help from breathing in these pollens. Avoid being outside on real windy days. You can also use a saline spray solution to clean out the pollen from inside your nose.

Keep all doors and windows closed during this time of the year. It is real tempting to let in the fresh air when it is beautiful outside and the temperature is nice. But if you suffer from seasonal allergies you are allowing these pollens and molds to come into your home. Use the air conditioner and keep your filters clean.

After being outside it is important to wash your clothes and shower real good. Make sure you wash your hair as the pollens will get in your hair and stay. Also, if you have pets that go outside you will want to try to keep them off of your furniture and out of your bedroom because they will also bring in pollens and mold on their skin. Bathe your pets regularly.

Keeping your lawn cut short will also help with your symptoms. If you are the one who has severe allergy symptoms it is best for you not to do the yard work. If you have no choice but to do it remember wear your particle mask and sunglasses.

Don't hang your laundry on clothes lines during this time of the year. The pollens will attach to your clothes.

It is impossible to totally eliminate outdoor seasonal allergies. Hopefully with these tips you will be able to manage them better and as a result be able to enjoy the seasons with less suffering.
