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Freund Unsullied13, einem bekannten Diablo-Speedrunner. Dieser ist im Oktober kurz nach dem Release von Diablo 2: Ressurected verstorben. Seine Blitz-Amazone tr?gt daher auch den Namen ?Teo_Unsullied".

Sondern er widmet diesen Erfolg auch D2R Items seinem Freund Unsullied13, einem bekannten Diablo-Speedrunner. Dieser ist im Oktober kurz nach dem Release von Diablo 2: Ressurected verstorben. Seine Blitz-Amazone tr?gt daher auch den Namen ?Teo_Unsullied".

Im Clip shows you how is the Moment des Triumphs as well as a lost friend: What Are You Playing This Weekend? Another week has passed, but we made it to Friday.As we do each and Every Friday evening, we gather together to plan our next weekend's activities in games.

For me, I've been hauled back into Diablo II Resurrected by friends who've played for a long time and never stopped playing D2 since launch. They have prepared a support build for me , dubbed a Holy Fister It sounds very pornographic but is in fact the name of a Paladin that specializes with distance heals as well as distance spells.

This suits me to the ground. The relationship I have with Diablo 2 is a complicated one. I've shunned it more times than I could recall. My friends have been playing this game since we were in high school and continue to discover new builds and chasing infinitely rare rune drops.

In launching a remaster which has been tweaking the game's established rules to allow even greater build freedom and flexibility, it's providing the D2 players with all they want.Anyway I'm thinking I'm back (for now).My favorite Sea of Thieves is in an absence currently, so I'm making the most of it to explore Citizen Sleeper, which dropped the game on Game Pass during the week. Loot River is calling my name also.

Ruby tells me she's immersed in the flood of independent films that have landed via Game Pass this week, and will finally spend some time with Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Items Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, a title she could have written her own.
