Powers of the Commission for the Settlement

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No other body is allowed to reconsider labor disputes that the body has finally decided upon. After the judgment is issued

Powers of the Commission for the Settlement of Labor Disputes

The Authority can implement several judgments based on its findings by reviewing the dispute. It can oblige the losing party in labor disputes to pay all the money incurred by the other party in the dispute. It may also delegate a member of the commission to interrogate a third party outside the dispute.

فسخ الوكالة ناجز

No other body is allowed to reconsider labor disputes that the body has finally decided upon. After the judgment is issued, none of the parties to the dispute can go to another judicial body to reconsider the dispute.


The higher commission should consist of several departments, provided that one department includes at least three members who hold a degree in Sharia or law and who have sufficient experience in resolving disputes that arise between the employer and the worker.


These circuits are obliged to pass a final ruling in the labor disputes that they judge, and if they are appealed, the period of appeal is thirty days from the date of the decision of the first instance body in the dispute.


If one of the parties to the dispute does not appeal the judgment of the first instance authority within a specified period of time, its decision shall be considered as a final decision that must be implemented, and this is in contrast to the decisions of the High Commission, as its decision shall be considered as soon as it is issued a final decision.


in conclusion

Labor disputes are a form of issues that arise as a result of inconsistency in the implementation of rights and duties between the worker and the employer, and they are special issues that require a good knowledge of the labor law and its conditions, which may be hidden in some aspects, so the use of a lawyer specialized in labor issues is the best solution .
