The other thing that is new in the

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The other thing that is new in the pre-patch is a special event that will last only a few hours called Death Rising. In this event, players are required to defend Azeroth from a "World of Warcraft attack" which takes over the continent. The event is only accessible until WoW TB

The other thing that is new in wow tbc gold the pre-patch is a special event that will last only a few hours called Death Rising. In this event, players are required to defend Azeroth from a "World of Warcraft attack" which takes over the continent. The event is only accessible until WoW TBC is released, and comes with specific rewards.

Regarding the new options for customization Blizzard is said to have "revitalized" your experience by introducing a the new interface and added options for the color of your eyes, more skin tones, more hairstyles, and the color options for your fur or hair.

There's also an "newcomer chat" channel for players who are new to the game looking for help and guidance in getting to the point of starting in the MMO. Players are removed from this channel after they reach the level 20.

Players with experience who wish to assist newcomers may be a guide by going to their respective Stormwind Embassy or the Orgrimmar Embassy. Guides need to have an account that is in good standing, at the level of 50 having completed over 3,000 missions in addition to other requirements.

To get a complete rundown of what's included in the pre-patch as well as buy WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold the complete patch notes, which are extremely in-depth, thorough and long, visit WoW's website. WoW website.
