6 Key Tech Trends in A Post COVID-19 World

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COVID-19 is the catalyzer of the digital transformation which has changed the outlook of the world. Its effects are going to be long-lasting which will not only change the overall economy but also will bring a great change in the way we go about our daily lives.

During the period of confinement or less complicatedly, COVID-19(which itself was very complicated), for some people Technology was a great form of escape. Its use was boomed during the pandemic and almost everybody somehow learned means to utilize it in different ways. A post-COVID-19 world is even more likely to experience emerging technology trends as they are not going to let go of us anytime soon.

6 Post COVID-19 Tech Trends

Tech Trend #1 Voice User Interface

The pandemic has slowed down to an extent, there’s a decrease in its proximity but it hasn’t completely vanished which means it still is here.

Coronavirus is all about catching contagious germs through making skin contact with different surfaces. The people are highly concerned that their hand touches their mobile devices more than 2600 times a day, which prompts the virus to happen even more. As the fright of it keeps hanging on the head, it’s expected that the use of voice in terms of Voice User Interface will grow which is likely to reduce the number of times a skin touches the surface. It will also be incorporated in the other gadgets and smart-home components that require a touch to be operated.

Who knows maybe today the cheap essay writing which is done through typing will all be done through voice-overs in the coming decade?

Tech Trend #2 Artificial Intelligence

The pace at which things are taking place, there is no room for giving it another thought that artificial intelligence is going to take over the world. By 2025, AI’s global market is even expected to reach 119 billion dollars.

The potential it beholds is incalculable and still, a huge part of it remains untapped. From decision making to assisting cheap assignment writing online, Artificial intelligence will have the knowledge to do it all.

More specifically, it will be beneficial as now AI will be employed in the demand and supply or retail industries. Artificial intelligence can help companies identify the purchasing patterns of online customers through advanced data analytics.

Also, it will prove to be of immense help because of its high organizing attributes that will help the businesses to organize their inventory from the beginning to the end. It will be giving a hand in predicting the consumer's behavior and the changes in their pattern which will be super beneficial for the online businesses.


Tech Trend #3 Augmented Virtual Reality

The pandemic made the curve of people using augmented virtual reality shift towards the outside. A lot of people started using VR headsets to travel virtually to serene destinations, play high dimensional video games, and take part in entertainment too.

Businesses have also started experimenting with virtual technology for collaborating on projects, scientists have started using it to carry out their research. The pandemics' potential treatments were also looked through bringing virtual reality into use.

The situation now states the use of VR is rare and only at certain times but the upcoming times say otherwise. VR is going to be made common where conferences will be held virtually through it and more human interactions will be done.

Tech Trend #4 Blockchain Technology

This health care crisis made us realize the importance of how badly we needed to build a transparent, connective, and interoperable network. Through blockchain technology, a huge amount of data can be gathered together and stored. This can help in the development of treatments rapidly as the data can be processed instantly and early detection of symptoms can be done, which will restrict the spread of the virus before they turn into epidemics.

Through blockchain, the donors can also instantly recognize where the donations are required. In this way, donations can be made for those with urgency and the donors can also see how their donations have been used and their progress.

Tech Trend #5 E-commerce Is the New Normal

The trend of shopping online existed even before the pandemic but since the COVID-19 happened, people have whole-heartedly adopted the trend of buying online. Although, there are still a few holdouts because a bunch of people still prefer buying things manually than getting the essentials at the doorstep. Thus there are still a lot of possibilities that are likely to be discovered in a post-pandemic world. Whereas the curve of e-commerce has temporarily shifted towards the out after the pandemic, it is highly expected to shift permanently in a post-pandemic world.

Tech Trend #6 5G Technology

During the summit of the pandemic, when most of the offices went online and introduced work from home, a lot of employees faced the same issue of connectivity. It was because either they were depending on their fixed broadband connections or 4G. These connections sometimes fail to provide quality internet connection but are soon going to be replaced by 5G.

5G is expected to be used for home working as a lot of people will still prefer to work from home in the post-pandemic world. This type of mobile connectivity will give us super-fast speed that will promote fast downloads and almost none connectivity issues.

Winding It Up,

After the coronavirus outbreak, technology has jumped into the breach and will continue playing a very important role for future generations too. It triggered a lot of trends that are going to become more modified with the upcoming time. Things are going to take a drastic turn, especially between 2020 – 2030 as they are also expected to be the summit of digitization. Who knows in the future, these trends will change the look of the world and the people living in it entirely? Well, you never know!


