Hit and Run Commentary #123

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Hit and Run Commentary #123: News and Analysis

In an interview about artificial intelligence and transhumanism conducted by the Singularity Weblog, philosopher Peter Singer let it slip that he did not particularly love animals. He also revealed that, while mostly vegan, he did not think it was that big a deal if he did occasionally consume animal products, As such, given that he does not think human beings are to be valued above animals, does that mean he doesn’t have any problem with cannibalism?

Trump assures that he is in no hurry to denuclearize North Korea. So like numerous Presidents before him that he no doubt criticized, he is kicking this ball down the corridors of time for some future commander and chief to deal with.

A comic book is being published featuring the superheroic adventures of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,  A portion of the proceeds are supposedly going to charity. However, to truly embody her spirit, shouldn’t 75% of the profit derived from sales be seized and squandered on bloated government programs aimed at expanding tyranny and human misery?

Apparently Trump is nearly as naive as Dennis Rodman in regards to the North Korean dictator.  Will similar capitulation on the border wall be far behind?

If the Peace Cross memorializing specific World War I veterans is to be removed as symbol of Christian belief, shouldn't the Washington Monument also be removed as an obelisk is a symbol of pagan ritual?

Cory Booker has introduced legislation to legalize pot on the national level. Yet this Senator, if given the opportunity, would curtail the access of the average American to meat.

If corporations can now determine access to goods and services on the basis of how they will be utilized in propagating particular wordviews, what is to prevent individuals from being denied access to utilities, transportation and food supplies for failure to ideologically comply with prevailing herd mentalities?

If it is bigoted to vocalize concern about the deleterious impact of dual loyalty in politics, how long until votes in Congress are taken to condemn those holding that Christ as part of the divine triune Godhead is the only valid path to salvation because adherents of certain other world religions harbor their own animus to such a theological proposition?

Simpsons producers have agreed to essentially expunge the episode guest starring Michael Jackson from the collective consciousness. It will no longer be available in streaming, syndication rotations, or as part of DVD box sets. So just how far should this cultural manipulation extend? Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson as well as other characters in the series, is a Scientologist. Does that mean the existence of the entire series must now be erased from the space/time continuum?

In a jab believed directed at President Trump, Obama lamented how people want their own facts.  He patted himself on the back that his own administration was successful because he believed in things like facts and logic. So what exactly constituted a fact during the Obama regime: that if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor? Does Obama also renounce his multiculturalist allies that for the past three decades conditioned generations of students into denouncing logic and facts as White heterosexist modalities of cognition?

In a homily posted at SermonAudio titled “Understanding Cults” a pastor lamented that those that study about cults and share this information are not really doing much. But is this not along with familiarizing oneself with the tenants of sound theology the first step in developing a defense against these sects? How does the minister know that this passed along knowledge won’t be what frees a soul from this variety of spiritual entrapment?

A Christian lad forfeited a wrestling match because, he told the media, it violated his conscience to get aggressive with a woman in such a manner. If a woman wants the snot knocked out of her, that is her business. However, the more important question it seems that the spineless media is afraid to ask is, if a male is tussling with her on the mat and has an erection, will he be accused of a crime or harassment?

A missionary reflected that when he commenced his career in 1986 that there were sixty people in the orientation class sponsored by his missions board. However, this year, he lamented, there were only ten. So why are believers obligated to feel guilty if God is no longer leading souls to minister through a particular organization mentioned nowhere in Scripture? Can the missionary produce statistics that the decline in numbers for one organization have not been made up for by another or more are not being reached through more efficient technology and deployment of resources? As Ann Coulter remarked about missions, is there not enough that needs to be done here in the United States?

The Wall Street Journal reports that fewer men are purchasing suits as business casual becomes more the fashion norm. A female WMAL host lamented the trend because she liked how a man looks in a suit. But if a man really has no real prospects of getting ahead and if this form of clothing isn’t even any longer required and if an individual is overlooked by women in the first place, why ought they even to care? Secondly, would it be tolerated on early morning drive time radio if a male broadcaster handed down similar condemnations of female frumpiness?

Jussie Smollett is a reprehensible individual. But so is a policy that attempts to stick with the cost of a police investigation an accused individual that has not been found guilty in a court of law. What is to prevent the government from employing this tactic to seize funds from other unsuspecting citizens?

The ones yammering the loudest about the proposal to cut federal funding for Special Olympics are the same ones that often insistent that the Special Olympians should have been denied the right to be born in the first place.  If you think the lives of the disabled will be diminished without the opportunities provided by Special Olympics, just think how miserable they are going to be when the entire economy collapses because of shyrocketing debt.

Apparently the push now is for the issue of reparations to be studied. In other words, significant money will be squandered on how to squander even more money.

Will the likes of Bernie Sanders advocating imprisoned felons voting still support the proposition if the convicts vote Libertarian?

The March 27, 2019 cover of The Nation Magazine reads “What all parents can learn from Black mothers”.  Because as of late they have been doing such a superb job. From the wanton procreating with any dude that comes along irrespective of quality to the failure to control the offspring that happen to elude the abortionist’s hacksaw as these tramps are out having additional tykes by as many fathers often with so many potential fathers that Maury can get repeat appearances by the same core guests. So will the Nation have an accompanying article titled “What all parents can learn from White mothers” or gasp, White fathers?

Outrage erupted over Fox News posting “Aid Cut To Three Mexican Countries”. But aren’t radical multiculturalists in part at fault for creating the impression regarding the interchangeability of Latin American countries and cultures?

If Judge Jeanine is obligated to articulate nothing but adulatory praise over legislators adorning themselves in the garments of Islamist oppression, why should tolerancemongers give a flip if a Fox News correspondent wore a bulletproof vest while reporting from the border? Isn’t it his body, his choice?

A number of individuals having lost family in mass shootings have committed suicide recently over their grief. Wouldn’t the gunmen bear more responsibility for that than an organization such as the NRA?

By Frederick Meekins
