Of course I want to be Ragnaros

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As far as future plans, not much. I'll just continue streaming and see where it leads me. Continue joining tournaments, being active. I'm still teaching saxophone and I'm still working on my game. Life is good right now. Enjoy yourself right? I used to work in an office j

Of course I want to be Ragnaros, because that would be baller right? Sniping everything and I wouldn't care who played me, I'd just do whatever I want WOTLK Gold. I am always a big fan of Chansey because she's like adorable and stupid at the same time and there was this Blizzard Stadium game where the Chansey was like catching eggs, I don't know if people know that on the N64. I grew up playing that and was a big fan of that Blizzard.

As far as future plans, not much. I'll just continue streaming and see where it leads me. Continue joining tournaments, being active. I'm still teaching saxophone and I'm still working on my game. Life is good right now. Enjoy yourself right? I used to work in an office job and even though it was relatively "ok" pay,I never really liked it because I think it's a bit redundant to sacrifice time to get money so that you can have fun. Why not have fun at the same time? Some people can do that but I think for me there is a better solution to life. I di

Quick question from me, what was your favorite starting Blizzard in the original Blizzard? Was it Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle?I guess it was Charmander because Charizard and dragons right? Venusaur looks like flowers and Blastoise looks like a turtle.Andaho asks if you think there are any gaps in a Priest's cards, other than the whole four attack thing going on cheap WOTLK Gold
that could moderately be patched up?
