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These RINOs represent more of a danger to the country than to the Democrats. At least we KNOW where the Democrats stand.

It wasn’t very long ago that Willard Romney was heard making the claim that by continuing to make the claims of massive voter fraud, it was President Trump who was only embarrassing himself. But I would argue that it’s old Willard who is now the one who is not only continue to embarrass himself, but very likely it’s all those who actually voted for this guy to become their U.S. Senator that are now experiencing at least some level of discomfort for actually deciding to do so. As being one who was once foolish enough to have voted for this loser, I can understand that.

You see it was Willard, another longtime critic of President Trump, who recently chose to lash out at Sen. Josh Hawley, an actual conservative Republican, over his plans to object to during the Electoral College certification process on Capitol Hill on January 6.  Willard, in making another of his many routine visits to CNN, said Hawley’s objection would continue to spread the “false rumor that somehow the election was stolen.” Willard went on to add, “Spreading this kind of rumor about our election system not working is dangerous for democracy here and abroad.”

It was Hawley who set off a firestorm, garnering praise from Trump supporters and scorn from the left, and some on the ‘right’, upon announcing Wednesday that he will join various House Republicans in objecting to the Electoral College vote in which ex-vice president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden is expected to be crowned the winner of the 2020 presidential election. Hawley said he will object “to highlight the failure of some states, including notably Pennsylvania, to follow their own election laws as well as the unprecedented interference of Big Tech monopolies in the election.”

Sen. Hawley said, “I cannot vote to certify without pointing out the unprecedented effort of mega corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in this election, in support of Joe Biden.” And he added, “At the very least, Congress should investigate allegations of voter fraud and adopt measures to secure the integrity of our elections. But Congress has so far failed to act,” he said. “For these reasons, I will follow the same practice Democrat members of Congress have in years past and object during the certification process on January 6 to raise these critical issues.”

So Willard once again opens his mouth and accomplishes nothing more than to once again serve as resident stooge for the ‘fake news’ media that seeks nothing more than to find ways to embarrasses every Republican in the country. Sen. Hawley is acting in a proper Constitutional manner. Something that Willard is totally incapable of doing. Willard would be doing the country a great service if he were to simply resign his seat and allow the good folks in Utah to right the grievous wrong that was electing this traitor in the first place. Hawley is on the right track Willard is definitely NOT.

President Trump has since taken to social media to praise Sen. Hawley for his efforts. It was on Thursday that the president tweeted, “America is proud of Josh and the many others who are joining him. The USA cannot have fraudulent elections!” The president also shared a recent news article on Wal-Mart attacking the senator. Spreading a false rumor is "dangerous for democracy here abroad" when patriot Josh Hawley does it. And yet Willard didn’t seem to think there was a problem when the Democrats were spreading the false rumor of Russian collusion?

Frankly, I’m not at all that sure what has managed to take control of old Willard. I’m not sure it’s simply jealousy of Donald Trump, or the Communist Chinese, but whatever it is Willard continues to demonstrate just how anti-America and anti-freedom he truly is. But Willard is far from being the only one. Sadly, we seem to have more than our fair share of RINOs that we’re forced to contend with. What is it that drives their need to make an ass out of themselves just to get attention? Do they actually believe they will be seen as something other than pathetic losers?

Willard was a failure as a governor and a failure as a presidential candidate. And the ONLY REASON he’s now even a senator is the fact that he went running off to Utah where, as a Mormon, he apparently figured he’d have the inside track and the best chance to actually win. Then, of course, there is the fact that he went crawling on his hands and knees to President Trump, like a whipped little puppy, begging for an endorsement, which President Trump was only too happy to give! And how does Willard return the favor? This man is a total disgrace as a human being.

Willard needs finally to come out of the closest and announce that he’s really a Democrat and, frankly, always has been. He obviously does not care about elections that are free from fraud. Nor does he care that he was elected as a Republican to represent the good people of Utah. He is doing them a huge disservice. Shame on you Willard. You know, it was despite my reservations, that I voted for Willard in 2012. I should have stayed home. Look there were better options, but the establishment wanted Willard. Any ‘Republican’ like him will never again receive my vote again.

Willard had his shot at being president, and he blew it in rather spectacular fashion. Willard hasn’t the integrity or the conscience to give any advice unless he is talking to another traitor like himself. Willard has never fought for anything, much less an important election! which begs the question: Why is it that he’s fighting so hard to deny the fraud? Makes one wonder, doesn't it?  And besides, it’s now far more than just a rumor, as a significant number of Americans now believe that the election was rigged. Not investigating it further and declarations of no evidence, won’t cut it.

And if there’s “no evidence,” as is now being claimed by so many, then why the fear of having that “no evidence” being fully and completely examined before then being made available to the general public? We dedicated a long investigation and report to the great Russian collusion story. We had impeachment hearings based on what was clearly concocted evidence. Over 40 percent of voters now find the election to be highly suspect. People have seen what they view as evidence. At this point, proof is needed as to why these suspicions are erroneous, not declarations that they are.

The ‘fake news’ media, the left, and RINOs such as Willard, seem to be the only people who have a problem with asking questions about this election. It’s these people who claim that it somehow endangers our democracy, but NOT investigating and NOT objecting, endangers our republic far more. If we just roll over and simply ignore what the evidence would seem at least to suggest, the left will do this over and over. It was this time that they used COVID as an excuse to implement voting practices that are wrought with fraud, what is it that they will use next time?

And the sad reality is that we now have a group of leftwing extremists who want to destroy the country established using rules handed down by God. I am one who believes America, and its founding was inspired, and that if we don’t fight for our nation, we will lose our liberties. Covid has already demonstrated how fragile these freedoms can be. I would encourage any conservative patriot that wants to see our country preserved, to object to these election results. When you look at the data, it makes no sense, and we need to look at every single unusual thing that occurred.

If we don’t, the fraud will continue in future elections. We need also to implement reforms to ensure the integrity of our elections in the future. Those like Willard need to man up and to stand up for liberty with the rest of us. If we don’t, we will end up in a socialist dystopian nightmare driven by the socialist morons. I think we ALL know that ‘Creepy Joe’ won’t last the year. That senile fool is a hollow corpse that will fall to the whims of the extremists. And then ‘The Ho’ will be our president. Personally, I am not okay with the trajectory of our nation, and no one else should be either.

Sue Pino 4 yrs

Romney’s political career is coming to an abrupt end.