Overcoming Anger

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How to obtain true peace through finding a real relationship with God!

Do you have anger in your heart? I bet you do and may not even realize it. Ask yourself this question, “Do I really love my enemies?” …mmm… If your like most people of course you don’t. Saying you forgive your enemies is a “big statement”.

Take me for example; I am a combat veteran that spent 18 months in Iraq in 2003-2004 as a gun truck commander for my regiment and I was also one of the first drill sergeants to train the new Iraqi amry, (I.C.D.C.,Iraqi Civil Defense Corps). Without getting into that just trust me when I say I developed a deep hatred for Muslims.

So, when I asked myself that question years later the answer was still no. Even after receiving Jesus and being baptized. I mean, I would like to think that I loved my enemies, but I didn’t. Then one day I discovered a teaching that led me to the Truth, and I would like to share this with anyone that will listen.

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